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Category: Blogging

5 Stages Of Grief: #4 Depression

Sami's absence has left a gaping hole in my heart that I can't seem to fill. The weight of the depression is crushing me. I feel so hopeless, like I'll never be happy again without him by my side. Every day is a struggle just to get out of bed, because all I can think about is how much I miss him. Nothing brings me joy anymore and I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm drowning in this sadness. 

The darkness has taken over, leaving me paralyzed and numb. Sami and I used to talk for hours on end, laughing and connecting in a way I've never experienced with anyone else. He was my whole world, my best friend, my everything. And now that he's gone, I don't know how to function. I used to be such a vibrant, energetic person, and now I can barely find the motivation to do the simplest tasks.

It's like I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle of grief and despair. No matter how hard I try to pull myself out of this depression, the sadness keeps pulling me back in. I miss the old me, the carefree, joyful girl I was when Sami was still in my life. Where did she go? I just want to feel normal again, to experience happiness without this persistent cloud of gloom hanging over me. But right now, that feels impossibly out of reach.

All I can do is take it one day at a time, and hope that eventually, the darkness will start to lift. But the thought of moving on without Sami is unbearable.


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