first post horray

first blog  woah i never thought i would do this  crazy but here I am 

i am suprised i did this I am very tired of things around so I got bored then found this 

 I will probably right more about me since its about 

you ever think how soulless and throwaway most irl things are?

 like the world is full and yet hollow 

1 Kudos


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🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐

🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐 's profile picture

Huzzah! Yeah, the world definitely is kind of like that now. Many symptoms of it. Junk food, how quickly ideas and memes (ideas and beliefs, not the funny image macros. but those count too) appear and then die as quick as they came... A lot of things seem barely skin-deep these days.

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people escape the real world in the internet yet they become the same as the others


Exactly. People can't be their ideal selves in the real world because it'd require work, so they act like however they want to online because of anonymity and how easy it is to just create a character for yourself and keep up the kayfabe. Despite this, however, through their like... Little online character or persona you can see glimmers of the Flesh-Man behind the screen. It's an honest glimpse into how someone is under layers of avatars, you just need to learn how to interpret it. That makes it even more disheartening when people's ideal selves and honest selves are exactly the same as everyone else. You go on the internet to just follow the flock and step in shit? For shame.

by 🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐; ; Report

i feel the world is hurting people is harming their ambition into being brainrotten



by 🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐; ; Report

very sad