mira x33's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

my spaceh3y abt me answerz!!

name: miranda

nickname: mira

how old are u: 26

zodiac sign: scr0pio

current location: ithersta

eye color: green

hair color: brown

hair type: curly afff

height: 5'4

ur heritage: puerto rican n german

wht's ur middle name: danger ;33

shoes u wore today: checkered vanz

ur weakness: cute plushies

ur fear: heights

ever ridden a mechanical bull?: nope!

goal u wanna achieve this year: just 2 be happy :D

first thought when u wake up: "time to check on my nintendogz"

best physical feature: eye color

who is ur best friend?: my dog

ur most cherished memory: r0ad trippin 2 the mall of amer!ca

pepsi or coke: coke

mc. donalds or burger king: burger king

wht is the last song u sang?: king for a day

do u drink?: m0nster

do u smoke?: nah

do u smoke?: πŸ‘€ nope lolz

do u sing?: only when im alone~

wht color underwear do u have on?: p!nk

have u ever been in love?: yee

do u wanna get married?: fersure

do u like thunderstorms?: sometimes

do u play an instrument?: I play the ocarina!

wht country would u like 2 visit: Japan

how many tattoos do u have: 1

how many piercings do u have: 0

shoes: c0nverse

band: Ghost

drink: monster energyΒ papillon

car: slugbug

place: glimwood tangle

song: Cirice

movie: Grave Encounters

tv show: Jersey Shore

anime: OHSHC

color: pink & black

meal: mac n cheese

video game: fran bow

season: spring & fall

holiday: easter

month: june

fav eye color: brown

fav hair color: black

short or long hair: long

height: taller than me plz

body type: anything but super muscly

piercings: yasssss

tattoos: fukyaa

style / aesthetic: punk, emo, goth, metal, etc. ;3

do u think ur attractive?: occasionally

are u attracted 2 some1 who doesn't know?: nupe

would u like 2 be someone's fantasy?: sure o:

do u like 2 cuddle: mhm!!

hugs or hand holding: both~

todays date: 5/19/24

what time is it: 7:30pm

who r u thinkin of: brokencyde

wht r u listening to: brokencyde xD

do u love someone: ya!

does someone love u: i hope so

is it raining: nah

how many spacehey friends do u have: 733

are u happy: ehhhh

{blank template here}

6 Kudos


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Claraa_owo's profile picture

Heyy say hi to Palontras for me pls X3 Im stuck @ school T-T

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Palontras says hello! <33 i hope ur day went well!

by mira x33; ; Report

tyy <3 have a great day ;b

by Claraa_owo; ; Report

Jon πŸ‡

Jon πŸ‡'s profile picture

OMG, BK, Japan, you have great taste! πŸ‘

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thanku sm :DD

by mira x33; ; Report

I want to go to Japan, too! All the sushi!

by DeryckEleven; ; Report