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Category: Blogging

5 Stages Of Grief: #3 Bargaining

So, my online crush Sami just dipped on me. AGAIN. You guys know the deal - he's been leaving and coming back for ages, but this time he says it's for good. Apparently, he's a total player and I was never anything special to him.

But even though I know I deserve so much better, I can't help but find myself bargaining, you know? I keep telling myself: 

"Maybe if I just beg him one more time, he'll take me back!"

Laufey said it best - "It hurts to be something, it's worse to be nothing with you." And that's how I feel right now. I'm stuck in this weird limbo, torn between letting go and holding on for dear life. Part of me is ready to be done with Sami's drama for good, but another part of me is terrified of losing him forever.

It's the bargaining stage of grief, and let me tell you, it's a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute I'm convinced he'll realize what he's missing and come running back, and the next I'm like, "I need to cut my losses and move on." The back-and-forth is real, and it's exhausting.

I'm determined to honor the pain and longing, but also find the strength to let go and move on. Sami may have been my whole world at one point, but I've got to remember my own worth. I am so much more than just one guy..

I think.


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