scientist_axolotl's profile picture

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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Random surveys wahoo!!

I'm just bored...

Anyways here's the survey;

Put an X beside anything you have done.

I confess, I have...

[X] Been kissed

[X] Lost my virginity

[X] Been in a relationship

[X] Broke up with someone

[] Got broken up with

[X] Been rejected by someone you had a crush on

[X] Cheated on a test

[X] Been to prom

[] Played on a school sports team(s)

[X] Played an instrument in the school band

[X] Graduated from high school

[] Graduated from college (Not Yet!!!!)

[X] Got a piercing(s)

[] Got a tattoo(s) (I'm planning to get some though!)

[X] Dyed my hair

[X] Drank alcohol

[X] Smoked cigarettes

[X] Smoked marijuana

[] Got in a fist fight

[X] Been to a concert

[X] Been to a professional sporting event

[X] Been to a funeral

[X] Quit a job

[] Got fired from a job

[X] Traveled out of my home state

[X] Visited another country

[X] Read a whole book in a day

[X] Binge-watched a whole tv series

[X] Been on the computer for 5+ hours straight

[X] Been on a phone call for 3+ hours

[] Stayed up 24 hours or more straight (I just can not pull an allnighter...)

[] Bought a car

[] Been in a car wreck

[X] Owned a pet

[] Been fishing

[X] Broke a bone(s)

[] Rode in an ambulance

[] Had a surgery/surgeries

[] Had to stay at a hospital overnight

[] Been on television

[X] Been to a wedding

[X] Been in an airplane/helicopter

[X] Been on a boat

[X] Voted in a presidential election (PTSD)

[X] Met someone famous

[X] Peed outside

[X] Sang karaoke in public

[X] Been to a club/bar

[X] Learned another language & became fluent in it

[X] Cried in public



name:: Duru

nickname:: Duruşko or Lulu

how old are you:: 21

zodiac sign:: Aquarius

current location:: Poland

eye color:: suuuuper dark brown

hair color:: caramel/brown

hair type:: w a w y

hieght:: 160 cm

your heritage:: Turkish!!11!!1!

what's your middle name:: Don't have one. I'm just cool like that.

shoe's you wore today:: Sneakers

your weakness:: My heart

your fear:: Man made horrors beyond comprehension

first thought when you wake up:: "Should I sleep  just a bit more?"

best physical feature:: MY MUSCLES ( I don't have any...)

who is your bestest freind:: Sena <3

when is your bedtime:: 2-3 am

pepsi or coke:: Tea

mc dondalds or burgerking:: Arby's

what is the last song you sang:: Petals On The Moon by Wasia Project (good song!)

what is your biggest pet peeve:: pick me ppl

do you drink:: ye

ever been drunk:: many times

do you smoke:: rarelyy

do you "SMOKE":: hehe yea

do you sing:: I LOVE SINGING!!

what color underwear do you have on:: ohhh wouldn't you like to knoww (pink)

do you want to go to college:: already in one of "those"

do you believe in yourself:: yes

do you believe inothers:: yes!

do you like thunderstorms:: noo scary

do you play an instrument:: violin,piano,ukulele, a bit of guitar and some other lil stuff

what do you want to be when you grow up:: Psychologist 

what country would you like to visit:: I have visited so many this year in Europe, but still haven't been to Spain, I'd like to see it :3

how many CD's do you own:: 0

how many DVD's do you own:: 0

how many tattoo's do you have:: 0

how many piercings do yo have:: 6

how many things in the past do you regeret:: many


shoes:: my black converses

radio station:: none

drink:: Tea

car:: cute ones

place:: next to my bf

song:: Skyscrapers by Elephant

movie:: V for Vendetta

color:: Turqoise

meal:: İskender


what is todays date:: 19th of May

what time is it:: 11 pm

what are you listening to:: I Follow Rivers by Lykke Li

do you love someone:: ooh yesss!

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: yes, It's traveling in a spaceship to clolnize space!

does someone love you:: I believe so :3

is it raining:: mmm ye summer rain

1 Kudos


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iason's profile picture

i am glad to be a part of a "no middle name" culture.

i like to call people by their full names if they have middle names simply because it is ridiculous to have that many names.

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What can I say, we are just better B)

by scientist_axolotl; ; Report

Also I approve the full name stance when it comes to ppl who have names more than one lol

by scientist_axolotl; ; Report