life updates

im back! (for now)

few things:

number one - i got a car! nothin fancy, but she's mine wehehehe

paid 8k for her and she is my baby now - but with that comes the fact that i now have a HUGE canvas for doodles! i drove my silly and mature responsible adult ass to the craft store and dollar store for some paint pens and have been drawing all over the inside of the car. i love it tho, it makes it more mine and personalised

number two - immediately after buying the car (and by that i mean 3 days after) i broke my driving ankle DX

was walking back from my car to my apartment on campus, slipped on a patch of ice, and fractured my right ankle in 3 spots wjfhjkd
i do not do things halfway
had to get 3 screws and a metal plate put in
also couldnt leave my apartment for the last 2 months of uni and it RUINED my mental health
thankfully i could do my schooling from home but it sucked major ass - couldnt go anywhere or do anything

and that's about all that's happened lmfao
i dont have a very exciting life, but now that im home for the summer, i plan on getting a job since i can walk a bit better now (barely need crutches! my ankle has been healing abnormally fast according to my physiotherapist lol)
hopefully this summer will be a bit more exciting but honestly at this point i lowkey just wanna rest for 3 years, and emerge from my dark cave of a room a completely new person

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