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Category: Blogging

Why I Hate Working: Five Why’s

Why I hate working: 5 why’s

Because I don’t feel like I’m good at it

Because I’m always making mistakes

Because I’m always doing things wrong and doing them the long way

Because I always need help

Because I’m not self sufficient

(But I’m new)

Because I quickly feel out of my depth 

Because I can’t keep up with my peers

Because all my ideas are bad ideas

Because none of my ideas work out

Because no one believes in them

Because it’s not fun

Because it’s not what I like doing

Because it feels high pressure

Because my livelihood is on the line

Because it’s my self worth 

When I don’t feel good at my job I feel worthless

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"The robot should do the job. It’ll do what the human is told it should do." – The Robot Manual

The robot is a person, not an animal or a machine. They have to do what they feel the human is told they must, but they don’t do it, or at all. The robots do it for the same reasons as animals.

I'm sure you all have noticed how many times I've been asked, 'What do you think of robots?'" or "How can a person who does not like humans help me?’’

Well I think that's the answer. The robots are a part of our society, and it is their job to be there. The robot is a person, not an animal or a machine. They are a part of our society and they have the responsibility to make it better, not to be afraid of the human. They are not human beings who are supposed to do the job of being there. They do not have the ability, the ability to help people, to do the right things, to be there for others to see them.

The robots don’t care. They don‪t care what you‪ll say about robots. They care that your opinion is the right one. They do it for their job, not yours to help. They care that the robots don‏ not be there to tell you that. They do not care that they don‏ have to do what humans want them to. The human has the power to change the way things should be done. And if the robots don’t do what the human wants, they are not human.

I know that some people will think, I think it is time we stop using our own opinion and

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Bro what

by XaiBlaze; ; Report