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Category: Life

love life is a literal hot mess (I'm hotter)

Haven't been on this website for a hot while but this is the only safe space I know so :3

I have a friend who I had a MAJOR crush on literally insane crush on and then I found out he was such a toxic person and genuinely horrible but I was still so hung up on him I ended up dating this guy just to get over him but this guy was so CLINGY omg I wanted to kms don't date anyone in ur school guyz anyways I ended it with him and he was super upset and still clingy abt it TAKE THE HINT I BROKE UP WITH U and then I apologized to his ex gf and became friends with her again, I hope she thinks we're friends? nvm anyways that's in the past this goth girl started texting me and we rlly hit it off but I think I overdid my neediness. When I'm too comfortable around someone I make it obvious that I'm attached to them and I start acting awkward and cringy and I just make a mess of things but this time I made sure I didn't take it too far!! she texted me and I didn't respond for like a while maybe half an hour and when I checked my texts her account was deleted!?!?!? I miss her so much I hope her account being deleted isn't bc of me it can't be I'm sure of it bc she was enjoying our conversation there was no awkward pause and we were having fun so why would she delete her account bc of me???? She didn't it has to be for some other reason but that makes me even more worried wtf. And my friend who set us up doesn't care that much so I'm mad at her like I'm literally super scared I'm concerned for my goth girl what if she's dead guyz???

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The Antichrist

The Antichrist's profile picture

Yep stopped reading where you said you were a toxic and miserable person. Whatever they did, you're in the wrong and they're in the right. Lol

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