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Category: Blogging

i think dni lists r dumb

evvery single time i am on a dni list i nevver listen bcuz thats so stupid. ALSO ppl can just lie!! i bet if you havve a dni list and it has "dni proshippers" or someone thats a bad person. THEY WWONT LISTEN BCUZ THEY ARE A BAD PERSON!!! also wwhen they havve like "dni *insert cringe fandom*" U JUST LOOK STUPID BCUZ WWHY DOES IT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!

i havve no dni bcuz i block freely :/ except if ur like an adult! btww adults pls leavve me alone i am a child and vvery young at that i am barely in highschool pls plslevve me alone

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fartcat67's profile picture

I dont have a dni list cuz i usually dont care who interacts and interact with everyone i do hate a bunch of ppl so most of the time when i interact with ppl i hate its when im arguing but i do understand dni lists like if im on someones dni i will not interact but i dont like those dni list with a bunch of shit its embarassing and i hate a lot of fandoms so i will block most of the ppl i see in fandoms i think r annoying

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CasperPrime's profile picture

I suppose, in a way. I can't really get on people for wanting their own comfort though. It really depends on the platform they have it on. If it's a place like this, where you can easily block people without a second thought, I agree.

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yeah like i understand ppl wwanna set their boundaries. but i also think it's incredibly naive to assume ppl will respect that yk? bcuz the internet is a safespace 4 the worst ppl evver and if u just pretend it isnt and that ppl will listen to a dni list i just feel its not only idiotic but also just an unsafe way 2 use the internet

by michael; ; Report


dave's profile picture


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U JUST UNDERSTAND ME AND EVVERYTHING I STAND FROR. ohh god. do u need a byofriend?

by michael; ; Report

hmm!! perhap2!

by dave; ; Report