little bio help!!

Hi guys!! If anyone is interested in bio/chem or zoology, do you have any good interactive websites or blogs for learning or just entertainment? ^^ I’ve been searching for quite a long time but haven’t found anything. 🥹 A little help would be appreciated!! 

Thank youu!!

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Just finished taking an AP Bio class o_o,,, had a, non--interactive teacher but I remember some online simulations we did on the rare occasions when class time was actually fun. I'll link to all the online simulations we did! (note: despite being a bio class, all these simulations are related to chemistry LMAO though, it seems like the sites have other simulations related to biology if you wanna search through them) These websites aren't, like, extremely fun, but they're pretty good visualizations of concepts learned in a textbook AKA they made the class less susceptible to conking out

All we mostly did was PhET simulations, which can be interesting. If anything, it's a good visualization for the concepts we learned :0 we did the simulations focusing on molecules, their properties, diffusion, and stuff like that :P but there does seem to be some more interesting simulations on there that I haven't tried yet...

While I think PhET has its own acid-base simulation, for whatever reason our teacher showed us this simulation from Javalab. Very basic in design, but eh, gets the job done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's a simulation that shows how acids and bases interact with each other
There's also this this precipitation simulation in the same site which basically shows what two liquid compounds combine to form a solid.
Very simple interactive ionic compounds visualization from the same site.

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Wow! Thank you so much! It's not exactly what I was looking for but that's on me - however, I really appreciate the links, I will definitely look into them! <3

I'm a bio and chem major (well, our school system works a bit differently so i'm not quite sure what you imagine under that LMAO) and lately the stuff has been a bit difficult to follow, since I've got like 28 pages of study material in one THEME out of like 30 other. It's a bit too much. :D


by dandelion444; ; Report

Ah, I see :000 and as a person who took a single bio class in high school, yeah, it's definitely a lot to study just for THAT class lmao I can't even imagine how much is in a major u_u best of luck!!

by Gluma; ; Report

Thank you so so much!! Yea, it’s a lot sometimes but i’m pretty confident :) (i’ve cried bcs of chemistry at least thrice)

by dandelion444; ; Report