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Category: Books and Stories

reading books is crucial!

reading is of such importance. it opens a whole new world of infinite doors in your mind once you become consistent with it. it's pretty neat, actually.

I was struggling to pick up a novel last year, Frankenstein it was, and all because when I tried to understand the piece of literature, it felt like my brain was made of elastic and was being pulled into several different directions at once - it made the words before me SO difficult to comprehend. I hadn't read and finished a book in a really long time and that contributed to the levels of difficulty that I faced, especially since the said novel is written in old English. my limited, modern vocabulary brain was astonished, to say the least. 

I was super unprepared but forcing myself through it and embracing the frustration that I'd initially felt probably changed the trajectory of my life for the better lol, no exaggeration. my media literacy skills are much more versatile now and I've noticed a massive difference in my communicative capabilities since becoming a more persistent reader. I'll never stop emphasizing the importance of picking up a book, a newspaper, a magazine, really just ANYTHING that has words on it and making an attempt to absorb whatever it says, then forming your own feelings about it - even if it turns out to be mere indifference. if you tackle a big, grandiloquent piece of literature starting out, that will help very much as well. once you've made it to the top of a mountain, you can effortlessly climb a hill.

anyway, if anyone is ACTUALLY reading this blog post, to you, whoever you are, you should read more often :)! the possibilities of life are limitless once you pick up a book.

2 Kudos


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