Very smart YouTube, what'd I do? I just had a Disturbia pfp and "Agent 45" as the nickname

Now, I'm starting to question if google is even smart, they first lock me out of my google account for being nice (I sent an email to someone apologizing for using their email by accident since we have very similar emails) And now they terminated my YouTube channel? Was it the description?  something along the lines of "I'm high, high up" Like, come on. YouTube are you stupid or just very stupid? Fuck you YouTube and your rotting content farms and allowing porn on YouTube (BuT It'S ArTiStIc) No, you don't think some horny people will go on there and just start getting off to it? Yeah, whatever. I'm locked out of my Gmail account (Mind you, I made this account like 30 minutes ago so I could make a Kale Brecht account) Now, Youtube... what type of terms of services? I didn't watch any videos, I didn't comment, I didn't do those. What was it? Did a bot see the profile picture and though something was pornographic with it? Did they think violence? Was it my username? (Disturbialover2007) something along those lines, what was it? Fuck you YouTube and your rotten content anyways.

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