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Category: Blogging

First Post on spacehey

Hello, hi, greetings, salutations, whatever whatever

tonight, on 5.15.2024, 3:20am (yes i know my sleep schedule is terrible), i am writing my first blogpost on This site intrigues me in particular, as Myspace was long before my time and i am charmed by the small, homey-ness of it. I am quite fond of old internet relics that have long since passed that i wish i was there for, and i am also adverse to large platforms. I have a twitter and tumblr yet i don't like posting things there. I feel like i have too many eyes on me, no matter how many views i'd realistically get. I always feel the need to act in a way that would please the thing i'm speaking to, so the thought of speaking to something i cannot know the thoughts to is quite frightening. but i think i'm going about blogging wrong in that sense, i need to not treat it like a stand up and more like a diary, something to air all my thoughts i'm willing to write down in. of course, how much thoughts i'm willing to write down is a mystery, but i might as well give it a try. i might talk to some people and work on socializing. i can't really say. but anyway, i should work on finishing my layout now since i haven't done that yet. HTML is hard for a big idiot like me, even though i'm just copying and pasting... and even with previous experience from my tumblr blog. Maybe i can work on that too.

Apologies for the word soup, the nobody who will be reading this, i am simply too lazy to space things out correctly at this current moment. have fun reading that.


2 Kudos


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