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Category: Life

things have gotten worse since we last spoke

no this isnt a reference to that book, i just thought its a nice title

and ill probably wont write about sad things in this entry

anyways i came back to spacehey since i kinda wanna rant. having a diary is risky cuz my parents can find it - its not like i write terrible things but i just dont want them to read my stuff. my hand also hurts whenever i write so yeah id rather not keep a diary for now.

i also used to ramble on tumblr but the posts just ruined my feed yknow? and its not like any of my followers care about what i do daily. actually, one person did read one of my vent posts! they even send a really long message to my inbox assuring me that everything will be okay! that was so sweet! but i felt somehow bad? so yeah, no tumblr.

i wanted to try twitter but im lowkey scared of it. idk why but i feel like i'd be instantly doxxed if i post things there.

so thats how i decided on spacehey. i still dont know if people bother to read these but whatever, i just need a space to rant.

okay im done with this explanation thing. i will begin to bloggggggg

SO, (i keep saying "so", sorryyy) i will talk about this week! btw this will be long...

on monday, everything was normal. my romanian teacher (im just gonna call her Mrs R!) arrived to class late as usual. she then announced us that she’s leaving in 15 minutes to join a teacher meeting or something. in that quarter of an hour, she asked me explain the meaning of a paragraph we were reading. she usually doesnt choose me to answer so i kinda stuttered and she wasnt impressed by my answer...

then we had english class... for context, my class is split in two groups. each group has a different english teacher every day (either Miss K, Miss G or Andrew the american). on monday, group 1 was supposed to have classes with Miss K but this woman rarely comes to school, so they had the class together with my group and with Miss G. she split us in teams and asked to "create a law". me and my friend Roxy just laughed at dumb memes while our friends actually tried creating that law thing.

now that im writing this, i realise its kinda hard to translate and describe how my classes work.

anyways then we had romanian class again (the school schedule is so weird). cant remember what we did there.

finally we had physics class. when the teacher came i explained that i have an appointment and i must leave (this was true). she looked really mad like psychopath kinda mad cuz her face is weird but in the end she was like "hhahaha okay......"??? she scares me

yeah so i went to that appointment which was actually a checkup for my eyes? is that what is called? anyway,,, i went there, the ophthalmologist lady told me that i will change my glasses soon cuz my vision worsened a bit.... but until them!!!1 i look like a nerd... my friend Roxy said i look cute but i wanna punch my face whenever i have the glasses.

on tuesday i cant recall something important happening. the only thing i wanna add is that i havent written anything in my notebook in logic class, so im scared about the upcoming test... but tbh logic isnt that hard so i might nail it somehow 

on wednesday, the first class was german. i had to do a project for it - it was about clothes! it turned out pretty cute so i was proud of it. BUT... the teacher (aka Frau) FORGOT ABOUT IT... obviously i didnt wanna be the stupid nerd that reminds the teacher about homework BUT I WAS SO DISSAPOINTED. not even the real nerds from the german class reminded her about the project......

then i had chemistry class. i need to present a project there too but i keep forgetting to make it. well it didnt matter since the teacher gave us to do some exercises regarding the oxidation number of certain elements or whatever. i didnt understand anything but whatever..

after that we had math class...i HATE this class. its soooo stupid. i love maths but i just cant stand my math teacher. she is so dumb. also for some reason i dont have enough grades??? so i need to take an extra class while the rest of my classmates are relaxing...

then history...the good stuff about this class is that i always get good grades - im a model student what can i say (im sarcastic / joking btw). the bad part is that the teacher is really annoying and uninterested about teaching us. she was like "eh im just gonna tell you guys what the crusades so you dont hafta write anything".....LIKE NO I WANNA LEARNNNN (ik i sound like a nerd but i just wanna know history??)

finally i had logic class and once again i didnt pay attention. instead, me and Roxy laughed at skibidi toilet memes so yeah lmao.

at home my little brother said he's gonna make korean fried chicken. well...apparently he made our poor gramma cook the chicken while he was making the spicy sauce. the "fried chicken" ended up being schnitzels (they were good tho) and the sauce...when i smelled it, i was like "BLEUGH<:P". lil bro was like "it smells weird but i promise it good"......when i tried the sauce, i threw up. i apologised to lil bro since he was sad but i told him "dw at least you tried". the best sibling award definitely goes to moi xoxo

since i wasnt full, i ate some instant noodles. then i fell asleep. it was 10pm!?

okayyy now thursday aka today:D

i had a nightmare (will make a separate post for this) and woke up at 3:40. it was pretty hot in my room and i wasnt even wearing my pyjamas. i opened a window and went to the bathroom. i changed and did my skincare.

i woke up at 9am and did my whole morning routine. ive also worked out!! #fitness:PP

ive also left for school VERY late. my class started at 12:30 and i think i left home at 11:55....it takes me like an hour to get to school........somehow ive managed to arrive at 12:40!!

english class BORING, german class AWFUL I HATE THE KIDS FROM THE GERMAN CLASS, then i had pe...

tha amazing pe teacher not only left his moustache to grow so now he looks even more like the ped0 he is, but he also said he is gonna grade us! thankfully, he wasnt grading us on some crazy exercises like he usually does, but on basketball. i was happy for a second but...

i ended up on the boys team............................................

fortunately, another girl Julie ended up in the same team too! shes nice!

when the match started, i already knew we were gonna lose.

1. Luca - annoying tall fat guy. he SUCKS at sports. like yeah he is strong but bro can NOT BALL. whenever i passed him the basketball, he ran away with it and tried to throw it in the hoop from a very long distance......

2. Peter - literally bonesp0 for tumblr and 3dtwitter users... bro stinks, is dumb and ugly like pick a struggle. whenever he got the ball, it just slipped from his hands.....

3. Hajime - short japanese guy. wears a mask and clothes that remind me of my old catholic school's uniform. he obviously didnt do shit

4. short guy - look like a chipmunk. he was fast i guess

5. Julie - my queen really shined. she managed to score for us twice! (is that how u say it?)

6. ME! - obviously the only one with basketball experience. i tried explaining to my amazing teammates a strategy but nobody besides Julie listened...

at the end of the class, the other team won....the teacher also said he is gonna grade some of us. giving my decent performance i obviously wanted a 10 (out of 10). i told my friend Roxy "i bet ill get like an 8". then the teacher said that besides me and Peter, everyone on my team got a 10.... the teacher explained that our performance wasnt good enough to get a 10.....................WHAT.... like i get Julie and perhaps Luca getting 10 but the others DIDNT DO ALMOST ANYTHING. ESPECIALLY THE JAPANESE GUY....

also when the class started, i wanted to ask the teacher to motivate my absence from 2 months ago...he said "i cant rn, go tell Bianca to remind about it". Bianca is one of my classmates that was unlucky enough to be the teacher's assistant this class. Ive told her "hey pls tell him to motivate my absence from March" and she nodded. later, the teacher asked me to come over. he then said that Bianca doesnt remember my last name so he cant find me in the grade book. tbh i felt a bit offended that she doesnt remember my last name but whatever ..

then i had the next class: "the geography of the uk and the us"....long ass name...fortunately, the teacher brought our tests back AND I GOT A 10!!! yuppie!

after this, i only had boring classes...english with the american teacher...music...and art..bleugh

in the end, i went home. i ate dinner and went in my room to write this! ive been writing for some hours....

i have also texted a friend if she wants to hang out but this is a whole other thing that is meant for an separate entry... bye bye

from now one i will write shorter i promise

0 Kudos


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