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Category: Life


This was a bulletin but I wanted it to be a blog. 

 too basically this is a bunch of drama that had happened in the past like 2-3 months.

For safety reasons im changing names :PPP

So one day it was me and my two friends at out lunch table, Reina and Tiana. a few weeks earlier Tiana's boyfriend broke up with her, a week before her birthday. Boyfriend is Malik. So one day Malik and these three girls came over to our table. Priyanka, Poa and Chloe. Priyanka+Poa are twins. Poa was dating our friend Max at the time.

So they come over and Chloe greets us we say back and she asks if we single. This was weird bc they don't sit anywhere near us and it was just weird.

We all say no cus we weren't pulling bitches at the time.

Chloe nods her head and asks Tiana why she was talking to Max on the phone during class. Malik was in Tiana's class.

Tiana asks what she is talking about and Chloe mentions Tiana's story.

Tiana had posted on her story somebody she was on the phone with for 3 hours .

The person she was on the phone with had the same first 3 numbers as Max. so they thought it was him. 

Tiana and Chloe cuss each out then their hole group leaves.

Later that night I went home and my mom gave me a album of pictures

one of them was of her when she was graduating the 8th grade 

I really liked the picture so I was looking at it for a while.

I looked next to my mom and there was a girl that looked like Priyanka/Poa.

Before all this me and Poa were really good friends like super good, I sent her the picture I think maybe it was her mom or something bc my mom went to a local middle school yk small world

I sent it to her and she says "yea and yours is next to mine fatass" Now my mom is next to hers so I get mad. She explains to me that she was mad because of what had happened, which doesn't really make any sense but anyway.

So I decided not to talk to her the following week. and she didn't talk to me and that was that

Now Priyanka and Poa and Chloe have a group of friends they will be mentioned later so no need to remember names or anything. Priyanka, Poa, Chloe, Mila, Avanti, Saliyah, Summer, and Mya

So a week goes by and nothing happens the next Friday after the initial event I stayed home.

a friend of Poa and Priyanka that we're gonna call Jay was texting my instagram calling me names and shit.

I didn't care but mt friends did another one of my friends Kameron made a gc on insta to ask Poa why her friends were blowing up my phone. she was dodging questions and sneak dissing on her stor/ her notes it was fine. I didn't care. 

The following Wednesday our science teacher Mr Denory set up and intervention.

There were four teachers Math Teacher #1 Math Teacher #2 Social Studies Teacher and Ela Teacher

the people on the room was me, Tiana, Reina, Kameron, Poa, Chloe, Mila, Avanti, and Mya.

They started with lies about what happened in the beginning.

I went next I explained the true and correct version of the story.

Poa and Chloe got mad and started talking to me all crazy 

Im the baby of the friend group so Tiana and Reina will crash out for me and that what Reina did.

Me and Reina are like extremely close mostly due to the fact that we used to date but regardless she started yelling and screaming at them.

Chloe is all bark no bite so she threw a tissue box at us making Tiana pick up a chair that then hit Avanti.

Ever since then things has been slightly rocky its all kind of a mess right now

Me and Mila has known each other for over 10 years we went to private school together.

So it kinda hurt when she over there making comments about me with her little friends.

Now what I really don't get is how Mila and Avanti is still friends.

Now I go to a school that's basically a high school and middle school combined 

im in 9th grade and in 6th grade Mila and Avanti got into a fight in the bathroom.

Chloe and Saliyah wanted to fight each other and it got so and that Saliyah called the police on Chloe. and now they friends, that don't seem right to me

And Malik trying to fight my bf and my brother.

yesterday Poa, Priyanka and Saliyah was talking all crazy to Kameron's younger brother who's in 6th grade

this isn't all but if u wanna know more just tell me anyway bye byeeeeeeee 

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