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Category: Books and Stories

something i made for a project

(for context the project was about a zombie apocalypse and i had to write this for extra points, it was heavily refrenced by the walking dead)

Zombie Apocalypse Story  -

Where we are

It started with an innocent game, that's what I remember. It was me and my friends, we were all happy and smiling. I don't remember what happened, but what i know is that one moment i'm running down a hill, the second moment i felt a spine in my ankle, and the third i'm being rushed to the hospital. 

  1. Darkness

Slowly awoken to the room, a girl with pale skin and dark hair opened her brown eyes,  slowly but surely.

The room she was in was empty except for the ‘Get well soon!’ and ‘Bee well soon!’ cards that stood on the side of her table. Flowers in vases seemed dead as ever,  and balloons had deflated.  The curtain that separates her from other patients, seemed to be open with no one in the room except her. Dazed and confused, the girl turned her body to the side and gently pressed her feet on the ground. Feeling a slight difference in her standing, she looked at her foot in a pink cast  with  cushion padding inside. 

Standing on her feet, and holding the iv stand (fix later) on for support as she made her way to the door.

With a turn and a push, the door creaked open and in the middle was a hospital bed, seeming to block the door but  with no avail. 

The hospital itself seemed abandoned; wires sparkled out of the lights  and it seemed the floor was nothing but dirt and papers that must have been left behind. Hospital beds and wheelchairs were scattered throughout the hallway as the girl walked. It was a ghost hospital

Eventually getting to the reception area of the floor and looking over, nothing remained but flipped over chairs and scattered papers. Picking up a nearby phone, she held the phone up to her  ear and all she heard was a dial tone. 

That was not long before she heard a commotion not far from her. 

Putting down the phone, she started to make her way to the noise. “Hello?” She called out. “Is anyone there?” 

Making her way to the noise, The girl looked beyond the hallway and  what she saw was repulsing, enough to make one sick to there stomach; A nurse it looked like, at least whatever this was had a nurses  uniform  on. But its body looked like a corpse. Hunched over and feeding on something out of her view. 

“U-Um.” the girl stuttered. “Sir, are you okay?”

Who or what ever this was, slowly standing on her two feet, snarled at her and they did not look anything like a human, more as if a mushroom with legs. 

And before she knew it, the creature started to chase after the girl. 

Removing the needle from her arm, she used the iv stand  as a weapon, with closed eyes and hoping this thing would go away, she swung the stand and managed to get the head off easily. 

Opening  her eyes, her heart raced as her eyes looked at this  human thing? The creature's body stopped moving, her body frozen, she got the courage to  run. Run  where? She doesn't know. Just somewhere out of his hospital. 

  1. Light

Finding  the exit for the hospital was a challenge, but when she finally got  outside, it was more than a city. It was a wasteland. 

‘Where are we?’ the girl wondered, looking around the new place she was in. 

A question left unanswered, and a new question was in her head:

‘How long have I been asleep?’


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