zodiac's declaration of yap [im going to get flamed]

As the current issue of Spacehey revolves around how long an inappropriate lasts, and how much an innocent one stands, I think we should make some changes to the mod team we got here.


We should have teenage mods,

they don't have to go to work, they don't have kids to serve, they might have school yeah, but other than that they wont be offline for anything. Or they can understand a fellow user more than the average spacehey moderator because they are more related to age than an adult. They have more energy and can get rid of the user quicker, plus, us teenagers won't feel weird to ask another one of us with a higher rank for help with an issue in the website, rather than asking an adult since they might not understand like we do or be offline tending to other stuff.


Occuring the test for mod, it should be hard.

Not to make it unobtainable, but due to people just slacking off or wanting the badge, the test should be harder if teenager ages get accepted into the moderation team, to see if they really are valid and active enough to serve as protection for the rest of us powerless people against gore or nsfw accounts 


dont show us cool new people as simple as that

as they have shall learned already, new people has to be avoided, we do NOT wanna see gore accounts spamming to make another person suicide or feel bad for themselves with gore accounts, that's a big NO. because we are vulnerable to someone randomly flashing porn that we don't wanna see or gore that is bloody and unacceptable.


stop banning innocent people

People that have shown that they have grown as a person can get accepted into the website again, and why not make an "appeal termination" website? do you just not want other people to find their right people? or do you just not like to feel empathy? And to those who are banned that got targetted by gore accounts, they should not be banned either, because that is victim blaming, instead of instantly terminating them, you should let them SPEAK.

Words are a way to communicate in between mod and user, if we do not have the chance to speak, we will find a way to rebel, because that is unfair treatment. And you don't want us to Boo on your website do you? then let us explain ourselves and what made US or THEM do something that targeted us, or involved us. That is the best way to think if you should terminate someone or not.

And please, give us fucking warnings instead of auto terminating the users. A warning serves best, and if they don't follow, terminate them. They should have the right to know what they did wrong, or what they said wrong, so we can have a better understanding.

Thank you for reading, sign out.

- Zodiac

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Cupid/Micah 's profile picture

I get everything else but the first point, most if not all teenagers have school and PART TIME jobs, I feel like adult mods and adults in general are more mature mentally then teens

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benny's profile picture

i'd be a good mod and i don't really get the issue with adult mods in general but the rest of this post is actually 💯💯💯

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theres no problem in adult mods concerning moderation, im concerned about the time they have to moderate instead

by [🌽/♿️] JUMPDAFUCKUP; ; Report

ah, i get it

by benny; ; Report