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Category: Writing and Poetry

Rating Backrooms Levels: Level 94

Welcome to the Backrooms, a labyrinthine network of seemingly endless, monotonous rooms devoid of life or purpose. For those unlucky, or lucky enough to find themselves here, survival becomes paramount amidst the unsettling hum of fluorescent lights and the ever-looming threat of entities lurking in the shadows.

In this guide, we'll explore a variety of Backrooms levels, each rated on two crucial factors: comfort and survivability. From the relatively benign to the downright hazardous, these ratings will serve as your compass through the enigmatic depths of the Backrooms, helping you navigate the treacherous terrain and peaceful nostalgia and may increase your chances of making it out alive.

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a hapless wanderer, heed these ratings well as you venture deeper into the unknown, for in the Backrooms, comfort and survival are often the only constants in a world of ever-shifting chaos.

I will be looking through the most popular levels of the backrooms, doing one review a day on levels such as: Level 0, FUN, pool rooms, level 94 (my personal fave) , level 1, level 11, level 3, the backroom, the end, level -6, and many more. :D

So lets begin, if you're interested in the backrooms, keep reading! You may need this information some day!


Todays rating is of Level 94! (my FAVE)

level 94


Level 94 of the Backrooms presents a striking departure from the typical oppressive atmosphere of its counterparts. Stepping into this level transports you into an idyllic landscape reminiscent of a suburban utopia. The endless level of lush green grass, rolling hills, and quaint yellow houses with white picket fences exudes an inviting charm.

 Comfort Rating: 5/10

Survivability Rating: 6/10


Comfort-wise, Level 94 offers a respite from the monotonous and often unsettling environments of other levels in the Backrooms. The serene surroundings and the warmth of the summer breeze can provide a temporary sense of relief and calmness for no-clipped travelers. During the day, the gentle sunlight bathes the landscape in a warm glow, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

note: In some of the houses scattered across Level 94, you may stumble upon almond water. This refreshing beverage, found tucked away in the cupboards of the single chest of drawars upstairs of some houses, offers a temporary respite from the journey's hardships, providing hydration and most importantly, sanity. 


Survivability in Level 94 poses a significant challenge, particularly after sundown. While the daylight lasts a generous six minutes, the abrupt transition to complete darkness brings about a perilous shift in the level's dynamics. With no moon to illuminate the surroundings, navigating the pitch-black environment becomes treacherous..the presence of malevolent entities in the form of small children with glowing red eyes adds a sinister dimension to the level's dangers. These entities pose a grave threat to any wanderers caught outside after sundown, turning what initially appears as a haven into a deadly trap.

note: pick a house and find a closet to hide in. There are beds in the houses, but do not be tempted to sleep, as the children loom through the windows at night, and if they see you sleeping, you aren't making it out of that alive. No matter how exhausted you are, do not sleep. 


Overall, Level 94 of the Backrooms offers a mix of comfort and danger, as few others backrooms levels do. While its picturesque daytime scenery provides a welcome change of pace, the looming threat of darkness and entities underscores the danger of this seemingly peaceful level. Surviving in Level 94 requires awareness, strategic planning, and a cautious approach to exploration.

Hope you enjoyed reading, have a good day! :)

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