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Category: Life

Been obsessed with horror stuff the past few months

Title kinda says it all, I've been kinda obsessed with horror (or just generally creepy stuff) the past few months, mainly in terms of internet horror stuff and game related stuff (both indie horror games and fan stuff), something about it has just kinda captivated me the past few months. Though I'll say that I hate jumpscares, they're a cheap way to scare people, it's like going up behind someone with an airhorn and they flinch when you honk it, that's not really effective, I prefer stuff that actually gets you scared instead of just using a cheap jumpscare in place of actually being scary or creepy. Jumpscares CAN be used correctly, but like 90% of the time it's just cheap.

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Vori's profile picture

The term you're probably looking for is "psychological horror"
And I agree with you, jumpscares are just not good

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EpikoMoon :3

EpikoMoon :3's profile picture

I would recommend the game called "Dead seater" on steam, it's control is wacky but it is an intense horror game in my opinion, it has "jumpscares" (depends on what exactly is a jumpscare for you, the game has moment, but you can see it coming) but only a few and it's mostly a build up, it's on steam try it out, you won't regret!

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Here's a link

Just to make sure

by EpikoMoon :3; ; Report