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Category: Life

Just thoughts at 3am really, head full of thinking, :00

Hello hi hey hihihi

Would this count as shitpost or something? I don't know, but, I have too much free time and too much thinking, and, I like saying nonsense and I apologize in advance if my English isn't the best. I'm still learning but I guess this also counts as practicing English? Yayyy? Yayyy

I don't know how this website really works but it looks fun and the people here look pretty cool too, like, that older siblings that I never had but always wished to be like yk? Jjskdhdjjd

It's so cool, or maybe I'm just thinking... well, I am, but still. Like, wow, we're alive, wow, I'm alive, wow THERES OTHER PEOPLE. Mind blowing, right? Sometimes I'm too busy to remember that I'm existing, or well, too busy to remember that I should live too. And little things like just writing silly things in places like this make me really happy, like, I'm just a silly creature just syllying their life with silliness, really silly, right?

Is syllying even a word? Idk, sounds cool :D

Everytime I see a person with gerdem I get hungry, like, give me some of your gender, I need some of that concept too pls

Sometimes I'm really scared of even interacting with people online or just like, being in a social media because it's just like I'll get crucified the moment I say that pinaple with pizza might be delicious. Silly, right? Who would crucify someone for liking pineapple on your pizza? Unless you're Jesus, of course.

Many people like pineapple on the pizza, I mean

Salty taste + Sweet taste = is kind of a banger

I like it, even if I haven't tasted it yet. Never had pineapple on a pizza but it sounds tasty, and would probably give me diarrhea bit those are just some details.

I think this also might count as exposure therapy???? I don't know, I just like talking nonsense really, but, it feels good to say nonsense out loud, its like giving my braim a small break from my constant thoughting :0

Woohooo, the day I learn to put images in here it's over for everyone. Bye for now

Have a nice day/night/morning/etc. Or maybe just a nice week, or month, or anything

Take care, pls

And remember that if your brain I braining too much, don't let it brain

Love u

1 Kudos


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