goths are beautiful but i’m tired of their shit


when anybody and i mean ANYBODY tries to do their makeup or dress like them and decides to make it public on social media, i always stumble upon at least one comment that says something like „eRmmm AcTuAlLy being goth is not abouT ThE lOoKs but about the mUsIc” or „yOu’Re dIsRESpeCtIng the goths because it’s not an aesthetic, but a sUbCuLtUrE”. and i fucking get it, you admire the music, you like dressing up like you do, and it is absolutely fine,

UNLESS you look at people just messing around with new stuff (new for them), trying out your style and treat it like a fucking crime.

nobody has start to listen to siouxie and the banshees in order to have a permit to try out your looks.

is your self esteem this low that you have to write those comments to make you feel better about yourself? do you feel more important than any people that you’re a part of a S U B C U L T U R E , and not just having a style that fits an aesthetic or some shit like that?

that is just fucking dumb and annoying, thank you for my ted talk, have a nice sleep everyone

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syber.'s profile picture

this could apply to any group of people lol, people are just naturally protective of things they're apart of.

i've seen US conservatives rage at non-americans wearing their flag, i've seen incels seethe because people started using their terms like "mogging" or "mewing", or women shitting on trans women for "appropriating womanhood(?)".

don't take internet discourse too seriously, it'll do your head in.

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