Rating Backrooms Levels: level FUN

Welcome to the Backrooms, a labyrinthine network of seemingly endless, monotonous rooms devoid of life or purpose. For those unlucky, or lucky enough to find themselves here, survival becomes paramount amidst the unsettling hum of fluorescent lights and the ever-looming threat of entities lurking in the shadows.

In this guide, we'll explore a variety of Backrooms levels, each rated on two crucial factors: comfort and survivability. From the relatively benign to the downright hazardous, these ratings will serve as your compass through the enigmatic depths of the Backrooms, helping you navigate the treacherous terrain and peaceful nostalgia and may increase your chances of making it out alive.

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a hapless wanderer, heed these ratings well as you venture deeper into the unknown, for in the Backrooms, comfort and survival are often the only constants in a world of ever-shifting chaos.

I will be looking through the most popular levels of the backrooms, doing one review a day on levels such as: Level 0, FUN, pool rooms, level 94 (my personal fave) , level 1, level 11, level 3, the backroom, the end, level -6, and many more. :D

If you're interested in the backrooms, keep reading! You may need this information some day!


Today's blog post is all about level FUN

(this should be very.... fun hehehe <( ̄︶ ̄)> (sorry)

Level Fun of the Backrooms is a surreal level, reminiscent of early 2000s birthday parties. Its rooms and hallways are filled with balloons, party streamers, birthday tables and chairs, while the floor boasts a neon swirly party carpet. In this level, the 'partygoers' entities roam, their demeanor ranging from overjoyed to menacing. Navigating Level "FUN" requires caution, as its maze-like layout and entities pose risks to anyone who stumbles into this level.

Comfort Rating: 5/10 

Survivability Rating: 3-4/10 

Comfort: Despite the immense dangers of level FUN , it offers a surprisingly comforting environment for weary travelers. The familiar sights and sounds of childhood birthday parties evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia, providing a brief respite from the unsettling uncertainty and unfamiliarity of majority levels in the backrooms. The neon balloon and confetti painted carpet and party hat covered tables offer a surreal sense of nostalgia, like stumbling upon the memory of your long forgotten childhood birthday party that was buried deep within your subconscious. 

Survivability: While FUN may make you feel nostalgic and comfort, it is not without its dangers. The entity 'Partygoers' that roam the halls and rooms are not always as friendly as they appear. Their jubilant demeanor while holding brightly colored balloons, masking a primal instinct to destroy everything that moves. The halls in level FUN lead to rooms that will all begin to look alike the longer you roam them. If you are unlucky enough to wind up here, it's important that you know hiding underneath the fold-out tables is your only chance at surviving if you are noticed by the party goers. They are fast, and if one sees you, then they all see you, as they are all connected. Overall, FUN stands as a testament to the strange and surreal nature of the Backrooms, a realm where nostalgia and danger intertwine. As you walk its confetti and balloon painted floors and navigate its maze-like halls and endless birthday parties, remember to tread carefully and if you see a partygoer, turn the other way. In Level FUN, the line between comfort and danger is as thin as the strands of a party streamer, ready to unravel at a moment's notice.

Hope you liked todays backrooms rating!!


2 Kudos


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Leo's profile picture

I struggled with level fun a good bit but it’s one of my favorite levels

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why have you struggled with it if you don't mind me asking? do you mean in a video game about the backrooms? :)

by ☆maka; ; Report

or like, just in general you struggle with level fun...? lol

by ☆maka; ; Report

Both :/

by Leo; ; Report

So sorry to hear that! I hope my guide helps! :)

by ☆maka; ; Report