Life feels so surreal right now, i'm turning 17 and i think i should be happy, but i'm not. I've cried many times because i don't have friends that care for me, just people i know that just said "happy birthday!" And that's all. I feel sad because i don't feel loved, not even on my birthday, i wanted at least ONE friend to write something especial for me and send it to me at 00:00, but no one did because i don't have friends. In just one hour i cried more than 5 times and i feel so so so sad, i knew my birthday was gonna be bad, but i didn't expect this, for me to feel so empty and lonely. It's only 1pm and i'm really hoping something good happens today, something that makes me feel a little happier. I'll keep y'all actualized, even tho no one reads this lmao. Happy birthday to me :)

Today is my birthday:))
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Happy Birthday :)) I hope something nice will happen to you. I hate bad birthdays I wish no one had them
Thank you so so so much<3. Actually, my birthday didn't get any better, but i feel okay now
by DeathQuinn; ; Report