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Category: Life

Journal Entry #106: 05/14/24 - May Flowers

༄ᐝ ꕀ☼ꕀ ᐝ༄ 

I'm back home! Though I've been home for over a week now lol

Finals week went okay, I had no idea what I was doing on the Cal II final, but I passed. Mysteriously, my Cal II course disappeared, so I have no idea what exactly I made on the final. I was able to leave on Friday, the day after my last final. Unfortunately, moving out was stressful. I had to throw a lot of things away, as everything just couldn't fit in the car. Also, my dorm was unbelievably dirty, which my mom did not appreciate. I'm glad I don't have to live there anymore. Living at school is fine, but after a while, it just wears on you. In addition, I didn't enjoy the fire alarms, getting locked out of the bathroom, and having little privacy. 

So, needless to say, I'm glad to be back home. This past week we had some unseasonably cool, but pleasant weather. In addition, I went to see my sister perform in various concerts. Naturally, I enjoyed them. Two Sundays ago, I was at an Episcopalian church to see my sister perform in a choir. The church is small, but it's so pretty and it feels so warm. For whatever reason, I really think my oc, Pax, could be an Episcopalian. It just seems like it would fit him. This past Sunday was Mother's Day, and my sister and I ended up making Lego Roses for my mom. She really enjoyed them. In addition to the roses, we got her live Tulips, and my sister received white roses after her concert, so now there are a bunch of flowers in the dining room.

I just recently finished an anime called The Big O, and I absolutely loved it. It has impeccable style and art direction. It follows Roger Smith, a negotiator in Paradigm City, a city without memories from 40 years ago and before. I just have to say it, Roger Smith is so fine! He's probably one of the more basic fictional crushes I have. I hate to compare it to Evangelion, but they do share some similarities. A lot of people also like to refer to it as "Japanese Batman". I hope to do a separate post on The Big O.

So, of course, summer break is here (for me at least). I've mostly been bumming out, but I hope to have some goals lined out before May ends. It's so weird for school to end so early. I usually got out of high school for summer break in mid-May. I hope to visit my old math teacher on Thursday; I tried to visit on Monday, but they told me she was busy. Also, I finally have a doctor, and I have been instructed to take vitamin D supplements. Hopefully these help with my strange ailment. I haven't figured out all of my summer plans, but I do hope to complete some coding projects (possibly a search engine?), and put together my portfolio website and publish it.

I hope this summer is a good one.

Boa noite,

AstraGenesis  ┈━═☆

༄ᐝ ꕀ☼ꕀ ᐝ༄ 

1 Kudos


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