What Is YOUR Opinion on Cannabilism? 🥩🦴



what comes to your mind when the word cannabilism shows up? (an’ sum cases/examples 4 da nerdzz)


A. Logical/Legal Viewpoint

Result of a Homicide (Murder)

- Luka Magnotta…“The Butcher of Montreal”

- Detlev Guenzel

- Albert Fish…”Brooklyn Vampire”

B. Survival Viewpoint

Result of instincts, hunger, and last resort

C. Learned/Cultural Viewpoint

Taught/Raised with it

Normalized ‫amongst‬ some societies

D. Pathological Viewpoint

Result of a disease or mental illness 

E. Symbolic Viewpoint

1. Symbolism for carnal desire

2. Symbol for longing/loving someone deeply

3. Religious symbolism

4. Symbolism for WLW (femm/femm) relationships

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TGnostic's profile picture

all i know is if i died annd the homie wanted to risk eating me i consent and they shouldnt go to jail. 🙌

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cl0wn's profile picture

If you are asking if I, a definitely normal and not at all suspicious clownperson, would indulge in the act of cannibalism, eating another for various possible reasons - then the answer is yes, of course.

Although if you ask my lawyer then the answer is no.

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Thank you totally unsuspicious non-clown person

by bl00d_b0yyy!!; ; Report

Ashley Alias

Ashley Alias's profile picture

Would I do it? let's find out.

A. its technically legal in most states, so if you get
permission from a person before they die its fine. so. yk. If I was super close with them and they really wanted me to, last wish kinda stuff... sure.

B. if they already died naturally, yeah. if I had to kill them, no.

C. only if it's part of long standing funeral traditions

D. I mean? Not applicable to me.. for somebody else, as long as they don't kill the guy its not that bad.

less morality, more general thoughts.
E. beautiful. Perfect for deep carnal desire and lesbian yearning and forging connections and stuff. cool as fuck. hell yeah. You can also be horny about it if you're really freaky, which I don't understand get but I can appreciate the thought behind it.

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personally I love the symbolism behind meat/cannabilism/etc its so peculiar and interesting!!

by bl00d_b0yyy!!; ; Report


hxlloketty's profile picture

I wouldn't be eating ppl unless I was on the very precipice of a starvation death

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by bl00d_b0yyy!!; ; Report

The 'pupa' anime was so shit it ruined any appreciation I could've had for cannibalism as symbolism lmfao I prob watched it too young as well

by hxlloketty; ; Report