I need help

love is complicated af and I need help

In second grade I fell in love with a boy. I don’t know why but I cannot fall in love with anyone else, it’s really hard. I had a ‘crush’ on two people since that time and had multiple relationships but I realized that I never loved these people. I guess it was just an illusion to get over him. did I succeed? nah, do I still love him? yes! I have butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. I’m in ninth grade now, we aren’t going to the same school anymore (since last year). I think he kinda hates me because the two times I told him I liked or loved him, he replied with “Ok”, Ok? Who tf says Ok!? I know it’s my fault, for loving him, but it still hurts like hell. now after I saw him after 1 year of not seeing him, my feelings are stronger and Idk how to get over him. I’m afraid that if I won’t, I won’t be able to fall in love again.

thank you for reading this, I really hope to get an answer.

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MIKEY >:]'s profile picture

1st. ur first love always kinda sucks. 2nd. getting over someone isnt linear, you wont go to sleep sad one day and feel better the next. its slow progress of saying "i dont gaf" until you mean it. and 3rd. youll have more loves and even more likes over the years. im guessing youre ab 14-15 and when i was your age i wouldnt have even believed half the people ive fallen for. it sucks but i promise it isnt the end and you wont feel like this forever :] youre still so young and dont know what tomorrow will bring, let alone the next year and so on so forth. hope this helps and if it doesnt i hope it at least feels nice that someone cares enough to try

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thank you for your advice, I appreciate it!! hope you are having a amazing day!

by NIKA; ; Report