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Category: Life


sometimes I wish people could just talk to me I'm so lonely I just want friends I appreciate people who talk to me even if it's short I just want to maintain a conversation maybe I'm just not their type of person or I'm too weird I hate myself I can't even talk in real life so why is it so hard to talk online it should be so easy...

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MIKEY >:]'s profile picture

dont be afraid to be weird. people like weird, and if they dont? theyre losers and suck. loneliness is a state of mind, dont let people scare you into suffering. shoot your shot and take it lightly if they dont bite. ERRRMMM weird analogy but friends are like fish, need to fish at the right time with the right bait and you just. sit and wait for a pull.

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aw thanks that means alot<3

by YellowBlues; ; Report