oke zo like

i wanma find a fricken uhhh kinda old adobe flash animation software or whateva so i can animate epicly and without frickeing paying because FUCK PAYING like dawg why would i have to pay to animate a goofy ass 2000s ish animation or suymtgin grr

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niko #proudcondom🎀

niko #proudcondom🎀's profile picture

that software ur looking for irs call Macromedia flash 8

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i was literally about 2 reply 2 u saying "okey dawg" or smth

by Saturn32X; ; Report

if im not mistaken mmf8 is like an old version of flash rite

by Saturn32X; ; Report

yea but it's still usable especially for what u said u wanted to do with it

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report

okey dawg

but is it fr3e.................

by Saturn32X; ; Report

Google everything even the lil code ull have to put
It's free

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report

wher do eye find itt........

by Saturn32X; ; Report


by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report


by Saturn32X; ; Report