Gummy food rankning

hello everyone. My name is lemon and today i will be ranking some gummy foods that i have gotten recently. please note that this is my opinion and if you have a different opinion type it in the Commets. i hope you enjoy this

First food: Gummy worms. 9.5/10. For context i left my candy in the fridge and when i tried the worms they were a bit hard but i liked them. i mean im not saying i like cold candy im just saying they were a bit hard when i ate one. but either then that i enjoyed them. 

second food: Cola bears. 10/10. i like these little fellas. then this got me wondering, i havent seen the gummy cola bottles in a while. they used to be my favorite when i was little and i couldnt find them when i went out and got the cola bears. but hey they are good either way. 

Third food. Gummy hearts with sugar on them. 9.5/10. Same as the gummy worms, i left the candy in the fridge and they were a bit hard to eat but i like them alot. a bit cold too but thats what you get when you leave something in the fridge. but good overal, would eat again. 

bonus, harry potter chocolate frogs (with the cards). 8/10. I like these things but, i like the cards more then the frofgs personally. When u eat the frog it feels like a crunch bar. and while i like it, if you get a melting one its messy. collecting the cards is pretty cool as well and it gives me something to look forward too. 

anywho thats my two cense on gummy candy. tehy were really good and i enjoyed them. im getting kinda comfortable posting blogs but i did this out of bordem and i felt like it was a good idea. so yeah. i might post again but idk 

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