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Category: Writing and Poetry

KiBLS Poetry - Those hidden gates

A poem written by KiBLS

Title: Those hidden gates

Those hidden gates

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Jonathan Ray

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I really like this! Our world is so confusing nowadays, and there is so much nonsense in our media. It is hard to have any sense of what is true or false, right or wrong.

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You can definitely ignore the mainstream media and call them a lying media. Nothing they report is neutral or really constructive. It is a pure propaganda machinery that is completely out of control. I haven't had a television for countless years and only get my information from alternative media. Even there is sometimes a lot of nonsense, but they are so much more objective than the mainstream. Otherwise, you can always follow your inner voice. This way you can't go completely wrong. Thanks for the reflective comment and have a great day/evening :)

by KiBLS; ; Report