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The Outlook icon should be yellow

(Before I start, I just want you to know that I put a lot of effort into looking for information, I love doing this, but I spend a lot of time researching, searching for information and writing, I don't use AI like others, I write everything from my heart, so please, I would appreciate your Kudos, please share this blog with other people who like computer science and write a nice comment,  That would help me a lot. Thank you)

Hello, today as always, I will be talking about a topic that no one talks about, a topic that was left adrift, but don't worry, as a researcher I have come to investigate about this, I tell you about the color change of the mythical Microsoft Outlook application, how it went from being yellow to being blue, I tell you all about it here.

First, you have to understand something, and that is that Microsoft Outlook used to have a yellow color, as we already know, each application in the Office family is a different color, for example, PowerPoint is red, Excel is green, Word is blue and Outlook is yellow, here is an image of the Outlook icon in 2010:

2010 Outlook icon

As you can see, the icon is a very nice color, yellow, in my opinion it's a very nice color, the color is beautiful, and it also gives lighting, a very good color, but... What happened? Well, in 2013, Microsoft released a new version of Office, Office 2013, a version in which it had changed the icons of all its apps for simpler icons with a "Flat" design, a mythical design that most of the human population did not like, but that is not the issue, the fact is that in that version,  In Office 2013 we can see something strange, all the Office applications were still with their mythical colors, PowerPoint red, Excele green, Word blue and Outlook blue, wait, blue? If gentlemen, for some reason Microsoft decided to change the color of Outlook from yellow to blue, the Outlook icon in Office 2013 looks like this:

2013 Outlook icon

Why Microsoft, WHY?

Well, doing some research it seems that there is one thing that is known, it seems that while they were making the icons of Outlook for Office 2013 they chose the color yellow, obviously because it was the color that came a long time ago, but that when it came to combining it with the color white the icon did not look good, since yellow and white do not combine well as colors,  then we would already have an answer, so Microsoft realizing this decided to change the color of the application to something else, and they chose blue, excellent, but, have you ever wondered what the Outlook icon would have looked like in Office 2013 if it was still yellow? Well, it might look something like this:

Outlook icons

First we have the 2010 icon, then the 2013 icon and then a concept of what the Outlook icon would look like if it had been yellow, and as you can see, the icon is yellow and the background is white and for some people it can be hard to see, and out of curiosity, the yellow Outlook icon today would look like this:

Outlook 2024 icon but yellow

It's a shame that Microsoft has changed the color of Outlook, in fact, with the new Outlook icon (the icon above) yellow looks very good, and in fact there is nothing wrong with it, the combination of yellow and orange tones looks perfect, but hey, there is nothing we can do, in fact I was thinking of converting the image of the new Outlook yellow to replace the original blue icon,  Maybe it will. My god

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