Soooo, I go to ren-faire's yeah? and I like legend of Zelda, specifically I like twilight princess. So I decided that the perfect thing to do with my free time is to make myself a mail shirt.
So here's the journey so far, a couple of months ago I ordered a bag of rings and fucked around with them and I got the english 4-1 down, the problem was that I only had one pair of needle nosed pliers and a pair of like those thick pliers and I kept on loosing a grip on the rings and I chipped the fuck out of them and the rings were kinda thick and kinda small so I had to use a lot of force. long story short I kinda fucked my hand up for a little bit. It like hurt to clench my hand and I decided that I didn't like the rings I got for a full mail shirt because the rings were so small. It looked nice and full but I knew it would be so much fuckn work. Anyway I didn't think about it for awhile but then my mom wants to do this specific dragon age cosplay for the faire (we went to this one booth to get some cloth bracers and the lady running the store was in a kind of sorta dragon age inquisitor outfit and my mom was inspired) and she wants to do this one outfit in the game that has these cloth stripes with mail sewn in so she bought a pound of rings from chainmail joe, but they were too thin to really do much with, and then she ordered some new ones but these ones were too small and thick to do anything with, returned those ones because I didn't manage to rip the bag they came in and then she ordered two new bags and now I have three bags of rings running around. Luckily one of the rings is really good for 4 in 1 and I wanted a 4 in 1 shirt so I guess I'm spending the rest of my summer like this.
On my moms side of things she really wants the dragon scale pattern but with all these bags of rings we still don't have a ring size small enough to fit inside the rings we currently have. or at least not comfortably enough for theĀ pattern to work. She also wanted me to try elf weave and that shit can suck my dick. it's so fucking hard and fiddily and why would I ever want to do this.
I'll go back to it eventually because I'm stubborn but my god I don't want to think about it. I did a little swatch of dragon back though and I really liked it, and I did a king's mail swatch as well with that first set of rings we got and that turned out pretty well, so I'm not complete garbage at this elf weave is just the most frustrating weave in existence.
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