Need Ideas for What Game to Make

The one thing that sucks about being a programmer is having an idea and then realizing how much more complicated it's going to be. 

So, I'm going to be postponing what I was originally planning to make and want to ask you guys on ideas for what to make, however I do want to make some things clear about what kind of ideas these should be.

1; Keep it simple or at least simple to a degree.

2; It should be a unique or interesting concept.

3; It can't be "3d" if that makes sense. So, these ideas should have in mind that the game will be "2d".

I really look forward to seeing what kind of ideas you guys have and may you guys have a good afternoon.

2 Kudos


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niko #proudcondom🎀

niko #proudcondom🎀's profile picture

Wait I know
Try to make a a game but similar to sub zero on n64 yk
A 2D fighting sidescroller just not make it shitty

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samsu's profile picture

Getting ideas for Projects is tough, i also seem to find more and more obstacles in my projects as i make them. I've been playing a lot Metal Gear Solid lately, why dont you make a 2D stealth game? Metal Gear also started as a 2D Stealth game so you can make your own version of it since there arent many 2D stealth games. Good luck on your new Project!

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Thanks, I appreciate that

by Monotuch; ; Report