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Category: Life

i'm otherkin - ask me anything

otherkin: an individual who does not identify as human for whatever reason. 

my main kintypes are alien, coatimundi and red-eyed tree frog.

ask me anything!

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saturnsoup's profile picture

What parts of those animals/beings do you relate to?

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that's a really fun question!!

so, let's start with alien. everything i do, everything i am is through the lens of being an alien. being phyxhy (my alien race) affects all aspects of my being!

next up, coatimundi. i do a lot of things that coatis do, such as burrowing, making weird noises, being a lone animal at my core, but sometimes like being in a group, and that's just scratching the surface. i'd say most of my coati identity is tied to instincts and behaviour.

as for the red-eyed tree frog, they are also from the same regions as coatis, so i guess the rainforest is my hearthome. like the frog, i am also nocturnal, needing to take pills to even get sleepy to begin with. i like jumping around and i've always been very frog-like in thinking. when i was younger i actually tried to catch flies with my tounge lol.

as for other kintypes... that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole i do not have time to get into lol.

by Aech; ; Report

that's a really fun question!!

so, let's start with alien. everything i do, everything i am is through the lens of being an alien. being phyxhy (my alien race) affects all aspects of my being!

next up, coatimundi. i do a lot of things that coatis do, such as burrowing, making weird noises, being a lone animal at my core, but sometimes like being in a group, and that's just scratching the surface. i'd say most of my coati identity is tied to instincts and behaviour.

as for the red-eyed tree frog, they are also from the same regions as coatis, so i guess the rainforest is my hearthome. like the frog, i am also nocturnal, needing to take pills to even get sleepy to begin with. i like jumping around and i've always been very frog-like in thinking. when i was younger i actually tried to catch flies with my tounge lol.

as for other kintypes... that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole i do not have time to get into lol.

by Aech; ; Report

Thanks for explaining! I didn't know what a coati is so I looked them up and I love them already

by saturnsoup; ; Report

Bloop :3

Bloop :3's profile picture

Is it more than just really strongly feeling like that's what you are ? Like is there a criteria you have to meet ?

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well, it depends on what you mean by "criteria"

being otherkin is about who you are. it's the instincts and thoughts of a non-human being. it's the strong, unparalleled feeling of being something other than human.

for me, i've always known. for a time, doctors said i had a "wild imagination" and as i grew up, i stopped telling people about it. i was bullied. i was called "wild child" and as i grew older, i learned to hide that part of me.

now, i've learned to embrace my animalistic and alien tendencies. i just blame it on my neurodivergence, which makes my close family and friends more tolerant of it.

but to answer your question: not really. the only thing that is required is knowing you're a non-human being on a non-physical level. it's fine if you don't own gear or have shifts, it's okay if you haven't "always known".

the otherkin community can be toxic and gatekeep-y, but remember that you being sure you aren't human is the only real requirement.

by Aech; ; Report

Fascinating, thank you ! :D /ppos /gen

by Bloop :3; ; Report


👾PIERCE👾's profile picture

how does that work? how can you identify as a animal?

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alright, so.
identifying as an animal is a complex thing, it depends on the individual. animal alterhumans are called therians or therianthropes.

some reasons are spiritual: believing you were a certain animal in a past life, believing you are an animal in an alternate reality, believing your soul to be one of an animal, believing you are an animal on the astral plane, etc.

other reasons are mental: having a strong mental connection to an animal, to the point that you cannot separate said animal from your own identity, knowing that you think like an animal and / or have animal instincts.

there's a lot more reasons, but those are common. contrary to popular belief, no therian thinks they're an animal on a physical level, and if someone did, they wouldn't be a therian, rather a clinical lycanthrope, a mentally ill individual.

ask me if you have more questions!

by Aech; ; Report

thanks for explaning! :-)

by 👾PIERCE👾; ; Report