T.E.O starving.help video- my thoughts that no one asked for

In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein novel we see something created that appears to be a hideous monster, but is in fact just a new creation like any other.

Why do I bring this up? Well, apart from being a pretentious hipster who has actually read Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, it was the first thing that came to mind when I found out that the demonic creature from starving.help (a YouTube analog horror I will link HERE) was a child.

Aside from the fact that the creator DrNowhere just seems like a cool guy the concept alone has some pretty good directions you could take it in when you think about it.

Can the creature even understand what it is doing is wrong? 

Is it just a child that’s played with as you too hard a broken it? 

Does it understand that hunger for humans is wrong? 

Who would teach it that it is wrong in the first place? 

Does it put the corpses perfectly back together as a sick way of hiding his tracks or is it out of regret and mercy?

I think I’ll do a deep dive red string thing later today/tonight and report back then.

But as for now I’ll leave you with one piece of information i realised the first time around that I think will be important.

That isn’t its hand.

0 Kudos


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