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Category: Games

Resident Evil.

I love Resident Evil so much, all the cheesy yet funny dialogue, the weird writing all of it is just so good. Normally I would hate stuff like that but for Resident Evil it's different. Of course there are some bad games in the franchise but the ones I've played have been great. That includes: Resident Evil 2 original and remake, Resident Evil 4 original and lastly Resident Evil 5. That isn't too much BUT hear me out. I've watched my friend play the remake of Resident evil 4, Resident evil 1 and also Resident Evil 7. I'm a big fan of the series and Leon is my absolute favorite even if he can have some really hard to listen to lines. Sometimes the dialogue is just a big too bad for me. Anyway though, I just wanted to say a few things about that. Resident Evil 4 is my favorite. 

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