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Category: Life


(Read at your own discretion!)

I'm. So. Tired???

With finals on the way I'm in a state of psychosis. Algergafhbsdofsdf I'm gonna tEAR OUT MY EYES

I'm silly I'm silly I'm silly I'msilly I'm SILYLN

We're fine

Anyways. I've gotten out of whatever system I was in since school has taken such a toll on my mental and physical well-being. Studying is the only thing I feel like I do now, the only art I make is on the margins of assignments. I'd rather throw myself into a vat of acid then have to keep doing useless busy work. 

Its also been a hot minute since I've been active on space hey. This feels like deja Vu. In any case, I want to make blogging/journalism a daily ritual. It's fun to just spew out words and be like "Yeah. That's good." I love to write until it's or a grade, in which case I suddenly lose all literacy skills. A lesson on capitalism. Recently I completed a pretty large art project for one of my cousins and a party she hosted. I had to paint a bunch of things, yadda yadda. I hated it. It felt like I was going against my entire being just by making the little paintings and watching them get picked up by guests. It felt weird. I didn't like letting people see my art.

I hope everyone on here is okay. I get to thinking and then I worry and I feel like I have to save everyone from everything. I know I can't and that makes me sad. How is everyone (my voice echoed just now, I'm in a digital plane)?

One day I hope my writings are found in like some weird hard drive in the middle of the woods and when someone plugs it into a computer its just. Pages of rambling. No context, no person behind the words, just words that people can interpret however they want to. I want to be cryptic and undiscovered yet everywhere and resurrect at the same time. I also really want pasta right now. 

AND OH MY GOD. The Ghost film is coming out shortly, and tickets are already one sale. I will personally cut my chest open and tear my ribs apart to rip out my heart and sell it so I can pay for tickets. This movie has been the light of my life, the reason I'm not spiraling, and it's NOT SHOWING IN ANY THEARES NEAR MERMSEOSEJS

I'm not okay!! I've literally been having dreams about seeing this movie on the big screen and watching evertything that went down during that one LA show. They didn't allow ANY phones or ANY forms of photography, and the only hints we have towards what MIGHT have happened are a few Twitter posts. I can feel my skin falling off like a fur suit.

Anywho. I'm done. I can't think of anything more to talk about. 


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