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[BYI] Please read!

- We are heavily against usage of the terms like "psychopath/psycho/schizo/sociopath/delulu" in a derogatory context, against fakeclaiming, harassment and armchair diagnosing.

- I am indifferent about KFF's (kin for fun), but I can get low key get suspicious of you if you're using terms like 'kinnie' or 'I kin x, y, z.'

Why's that? Because kin for short is actually for 'otherkin', it should not be used as a verb, you can't just go and 'otherkin' something.

The definition itself came from people (specifically KFF) who were clearly opposed to us, because they thought that identifying themselves as a fictional character, an animal or something was a little bit too strange. Some of them are pretty ableist and transphobic too.

It might sound innocent to you as a non-alterhuman folk, it's not to us, since we're collectively otherkin (not speaking for every nonhuman folk). Just because TikTok communicates this definition to kids does not mean that it's correct.

If someone tell me that they kin something, I will automatically perceive this as something that the person identifies with them, but does not have anything in common with them.

There are terms like "synpath" and "otherhearted", but please do not use shit like "kinnie".

- I don't need trigger warnings, but I do need tone tags. Don't overuse them tough, thanks.

- I might joke around and not think before taking any action, so don't take anything I say or do too seriously

- We speak both English and Russian. But we won't tell you where we are from for the sake of avoiding harassment.

- If you are very opinionated, or if you're anti-LGBTQ+, a right-winger, or whatever the hell, don't even bother interacting with me. I'll just block you and move on with my life.

- System discourse and shipping discourse is none of my business. All systems are welcome here, just don't be a dick.

Pretty much that.

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