"Tarot" Movie Review [SPOILERS] (if you even care :P)

I thought it was eh. I've seen worse, but it was grating. I didn't like most of the characters in it. Unfortunately, the one I disliked the most (the girl who did the readings) was one of the three who survived. She was especially annoying with her "better than you" attitude in the beginning, which just continued throughout the film. Though I am happy that the obnoxious "BuT It'S mAh BiRtHdAy" girl died. She was my second least favorite.

The monster designs were decent but the CGI was (unsurprisingly) garbage. That goes for the writing, too. I can't even call the opening "foreshadowing" because it was so heavy handedly telling you what was going to happen! Can't think of a single joke that landed. Can't believe the CEO of Sex couldn't save this ToT

Went to see it with my friends, so we were just joking about the designs looking like Dead by Daylight the entire time. My brother fell asleep for a scene because he thought that the scene wasn't important and the movie was boring. He was right on both of those accords.

Best scene had to be the Magician scene, though the bar's basically on the floor. The big bad's death at the end was stupid. Lemme tell you what the final girl (the one I said I disliked the most) had to say: "In some cases, death means the end of one opportunity or the beginning of another. But for you, death just means death." And then the big bad disintegrates.

...yeah. That's how the embodiment of this movie's supernatural witch curse is defeated. It was stupid.

And then it's revealed that the CEO of Sex isn't dead because his roommate walked in on the elevator where the curse monster was gonna kill him. And they explain how he survived after a fake out ending. ..........you seriously can't make this shit up. I thought I was watching a YouTube review/parody at first.

Any who... uh... 5/10. It's mid af but I wouldn't say it's bad. Just stupid :P

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