Capitalism is the biggest disease.

I hate this modern society where more automatically means good. I hate this modern society where less is considered to be lazy/bad. I hate this modern society that can't comprehend the idea of doing something just because you like it and not because of some reward. I hate this idea of productivity as some kind of necessity to live and not something you choose to do. I hate motivational guides, I hate gender roles, I hate stereotypes, I hate the mere concept of an Instagram REEL about having a diet based on eating fucking doorknocks or whatever the hell it's trending these days. I hate TikTok, I hate Twitter, I hate this dystopic reality where we can watch memes and be bombarded by videos of Gaza civilians getting fucking killed. I hate the food we're supposed to eat to be healthy. I hate the absolute and never-ending flow of information that just consumes your day and makes time go faster than it should.

I hate how life feels like a Serial Experiments Lain episode where The Wired is not just an exaggeration of reality but reality itself. Capitalism is the biggest disease.


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NeverNcolor_13's profile picture

we wouldnt have lain without capitalism :100:

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