Quick FYI

I know it might be a bit bothersome to see me mention wanting to fucking end it every bulletin, if any of you are uncomfortable, please let me know so i limit said jokes around you.

However, i will not be changing the way i speak and cope for you. If im not doing anything genuinely wrong or twisted then i won't be taking criticism on how i cope. If it makes you uncomfortable, take your leave. You alone are responsible of what you or your children see on the internet. 

Feel free to actually give me civilised (any aggression gets you blocked, i am not forgiving) constructive criticism if im doing something genuinely sick or if you're uncomfortable on our one-on-ones, otherwise nothing you say matters to me beyond that. 

Plus, im literally a Dazai kinnie like i know jokes are jokes but even kinning the guy is a cry for help lets be so real rn. Shock horror a Dazai kinnie is mentally fucking ill 💀

This isnt targeted towards anyone, just wanted to make some boundaries clear (possibly schizopost, im extremely paranoid)

2 Kudos


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