César - the host (so he stays in front most of the time). Same age as the body at all times. He/they/it/sage
Loreel - the gatekeaper, sexual protector alter, symptomholder from our hypersexuality and one of the caregivers. Same age as the body most of the time, but can age slide between 16 and 20. They/she/he/owl
Adam - the protector, memoryholder and the other caregiver. Always 24 years old. He/him
Keith - the little (not going to say his age to protect him from creeps, even tho he doesn't uses social media without one of the adults around). He/it
Error - the caretaker and an introject/fictive from the undertale au Aftertale. Ageless with age slide but always +18. It/it's
Ink - the symptomholder of our adhd and an introject/fictive from the undertale au _____tale. Ageless +18. Any pronouns.
Kevin - the persecuter and an introject/fictive from The Stanley Parable. Always 46 years old. He/him
Subtitle for anyone who doesn't know:
Host - the alter that stays on the front for most part os the time
Gatekeaper - the alter that "controls" switches and hold knowledge from the system and inner world
Sexual protector - the alter (normally formed by SA trauma) that protects the others from sexual relationship, sexual memorys and past sexual trauma
Symptomholder - an alter that experiences more symptoms from a disorder than others
Hypersexuality - a disorder that forms from sexual trauma and SA
Caregivers - the alter that gives care to the other alters (normally littles and depressed alters that can't give care to themselves) and to the body
Protector - the alter that protects the other alters and the body from stressful moments and from experiencing more trauma
Memoryholder - the alter that haves the memory from the traumatic experiences and keep it from the others
Little - an alter who is underage (normally referring to kids under 10)
Caretaker - the alter that normally takes care of fisical things like the house, clothes, dishes, etc from the systems life
Introject - an alter that was formed "inspired" by some other thing that already exists (real people, concepts, fictional characters...)
Fictive - an introject alter from a fictional source
Persecuter - the alter that has "bad atitudes" and handle's trauma in non-helthy ways, normally hurting the body or others. (But they are not bad people, they just have a harder time dealing with the traumatic experiences)
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
you sended me a request but if you had read my profile you would have seen that i have PEOPLE THAT LIKE KAITO ROMANTICALLY DNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S LITERALLY ON FIRE HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!1 read the next time bc i dont have great times seeing how people call MY boyfriend their husband
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Hum I don't like him romantically it's just a joke cause he's my favorite vocaloid but ok..........
by KaSystem; ; Report
I just am curious what this is? I've never heard of this before (Not in a weird or mean way) You Guys seem kewl :D
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Well, it's an intro blog to our alters??? We are an osdd system!! It's a type dissociative identity disorder ^_^ alters are different personalitys :33
by KaSystem; ; Report
Omgeeh! That’s so kewl! ^_^
by Danithebani:P; ; Report
Omgeeh! That’s so kewl! ^_^
by Danithebani:P; ; Report
Thanks!!!! :33
by KaSystem; ; Report
Y'all seem cool. Added! X3
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Thank you!!!! ^_^
by KaSystem; ; Report