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Cindy James Was Murdered

What Happened to Cindy James?

The Horrifying Case of Cindy James

The Troubled Life and Debated Death of Cindy James

Content Warnings: Death, Harassment, Stalking, Drug Overdose, Child and Spousal Abuse, Gaslighting, and probably more.


Cindy James is one of the most controversial true crime cases.  And for good reason!  Her case involves many things that are, even without death and murder, controversial.  A divorced woman, a child abuse victim, and a possible sufferer of various mental health issues, and all this while being conventionally attractive.  Police who- by all accounts- tried, but didn't succeed, at keeping her alive.

It's hard to even nail down the specifics of the case- Cindy alleged that she was abused as a child by her father, Otto Hack, which is widely considered to be true.  However, starting when she married Roy Makepeace, a man 18 years her senior, Cindy's allegations stop holding any weight.  She accused him of a double homicide, of spousal abuse (admitted by Makepeace himself), and of being responsible for her harassment and stalking.

Yes, you read that right.  Her harassment and stalking.  Cindy James was haunted by a demon that, depending on who you ask, was either entirely fictional, entirely real, or a part of her own psyche gone rogue.  She, and those around her, received frightening phone calls- the most well known saying "Cindy...Dead Meat...Soon".  She found dead cats, received collage'd letters, and multiple people said they saw a man standing outside at various times.

She would be attacked, her dog would be attacked, and notes would be left around her workplace.  She often said that she was attacked by two men, who she knew, but refused to identify.  Her stories of her injuries would often not line up with the evidence.  Despite the failure to be a good witness, the extent of her harassment cannot be understated or denied.

An investigator, Pat McBride, took a...personal interest.  He began a romantic relationship with Cindy, and began living with her off and on.  Once, he found her ex-husband, Roy Makepeace, parked outside.  Despite this, and his suspicions that Roy was responsible, they began to spend time together at Cindy's house trying to solve who was responsible.

The end of Cindy James was tragic as it was dramatic.  Hogtied, in an abandoned house, needle injection on her arm and a black nylon stocking (a calling card) around her neck.  In graffiti, bright orange on the house's gasoline tank,  "some bitch died here".

This is, despite how it feels, a shockingly brief summary.  This case is incredibly complex, and I'm not a true crime blogger, so I have no plans on going incident by incident.  But I am a nosey little bastard, so let's get into what I think.

Cindy James was unwell.  If she wasn't mentally unstable before, going through abuse by her father, by Roy, and then the harassment campaign and gaslighting by police, guarantees it.  I would honestly assume she had some sort of dissociative disorder, but NOT, as many speculate, Dissociative Identity Disorder.  And especially not the Jekyll and Hyde version people insist must have happened.

Cindy James had memory problems.  I think it was caused by PTSD causing a Dissociative disorder.  This made her instinctively hide what she didn't know- as well as what she knew.  After all, how horrifying would it be to accuse someone of attempted murder, only to realize after that you had misremembered? 

The police don't believe in well meaning lies.  They also don't believe in police corruption.  It's my sincere belief that Pat McBride is responsible for the death of Cindy James.  While this is capital S Speculation, I believe that the harassment was begun by Roy, and Pat, either with Roy or by taking advantage of the situation, ended Cindy's life.  

While one crime doesn't prove guilt for another- Pat McBride was charged with sexual assault in the years following Cindy's death, for crimes specifically involving abusing his police power.

Cindy went on a trip out of the country and suffered no harassment at that time.  Police insist that there was no evidence of forced entry for any of Cindy's break-in situations- but is the idea of a killer with a key so foreign?  Cindy James did not kill herself, she did not make needle marks on her arms, graffiti a gasoline tank, rapidly get ride of all the drug and graffiti materials (which were not found on scene), chew multiple drugs, and then hog tie herself. 

It's ridiculous to say that is the order of events.  It's beyond comprehension.  The ruling that she overdosed on her own is nothing more than the system hiding it's corruption.

A/N:  I don't usually blog about true crime, but Come On.  Seriously?  We're going to say she faked all of that?  Also, let the record show that all accusations are pure speculation and do not reflect any kind of insider knowledge or intent to smear the character of anyone. 

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