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Category: Life


there wuz lieekkk....
a game at my school with all grades 1st-9th
my team wuz orange, and we were all at the elementary school area cuz middle school area iz TOO LITTLE 4 GAMES!!
there wuz a tug of war, and this game where u ring a bell to get the answer right and if u dont buh bye, the other team scores and you get slapped in the face with shaving cream
when it wuz my turn 2 answer i wuz too slow 2 ring the bell to answer but the guy from blue team wuz dumb and he said the wrong answer so i slapped him with shaving cream LOL
then it was the 3rd graders' turn, they are SO DUMB XD
teacher asked wut 20+20 wuz and they said 400, lollll
anywayz, orange team won so i hozted a party at my house, my mom allowed and she was home 

then barely any1 from my class came so we called sum of my friendz and we had a cake, m&m's, some juice and soda, chips, etc etc 
and we put on sum muzic and my classmate Davi was making milkshakes 4 uz with my mom
then we played board gamez, wuz rlly epic!!!
we played roblox too and while we were playing a horror game my cat decided he wanted to vomit up paper and an olive (we werent even eating olives so idk how tf he threw up an olive)
thatz all i think ^_^

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