Mars Reviews: Breaking Bad

Show: Breaking Bad (Mars' & Bf's pick)

Rating: 9/10 

Would I rewatch?: Absolutely


It took me about a year to officially complete Breaking Bad, but I just have a hard time when it comes to binging shows. Despite that, I figured I'd include it in my reviews since I didn't exactly want to keep this page to only movie reviews. This show was definitely worth watching, and thankfully I chose to watch it years after it came out so spoilers weren't exactly a worry for me. This show had my jaw on the floor almost every episode, especially when everything starts to really get picked up during seasons 4 & 5. The only thing keeping this rating from being a 10/10 would be the few things that I felt didn't have clear answers, but Better Call Saul makes that up with filling in bits that I hadn't understood in the beginning. 

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