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Category: Life

being called autistic(and other shi) by my classmates :3

Bro, i hate them so fucking much. I wish i could do smth about these motherfuckers but there's nothing i can do, actually. I tried and failed miserably. They just keep on calling me names and when I try to fucking confront them abt it they just keep saying "okay we wont do that again" 

But they fucking do that again and i hate it


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moon 🏳️‍⚧️

moon 🏳️‍⚧️'s profile picture

when i was still in high school during my senior year (last year), i was expressing myself more and starting to truly feel comfortable with myself. i slowly made attempts to unmask myself more and more, mostly around the people that i was comfortable being around, some of those people also being autistic already. i kept things mostly limited to those people, but out in public, i expressed myself a little more, mainly to "test the waters".

... the number of stares i got, along with people telling me that i acted or looked weird for someone my age. it was a lot and it was really demotivating for me. and yes, i know that i shouldn't let people's words get to me that way, but when i live in a southern state like florida, it just sucks.

it's mainly why i keep stuff like that to my online life. lots of my friends, along with my girlfriend, are also autistic. i have an easier time understanding and talking to them, compared to neurotypicals; hence why i don't prefer to interact socially in the real world most of the time. (if you look at my older blog posts, you might be able to find some things that support this.)

i just deeply wish that society could at least improve a bit, to where i won't be constantly ridiculed, shamed, and made fun of for being what i want and expressing myself in the way i choose to. but oh well, it's society. you can't expect much out of it anyway.

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idek what to say. i feel so socially insecure, if that makes sense. Im very shy, and i speak with a bit of stuttering when someone talks to me in public. Im asexual, but i havent told anyone about this. thank you for this big comment, it really means something to me, even if its pixels on the screen <3

by voidy_314; ; Report


funko's profile picture

jesus christ what's wrong with people these days, It will get better in the future, will you switch schools soon?

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idk....i have friends there

by voidy_314; ; Report


Ashar's profile picture

Some people just need to let others live. I’m sorry you have to deal with that :(

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I kinda got used to it lmaoo

by voidy_314; ; Report

niko #proudcondom🎀

niko #proudcondom🎀's profile picture

Have u considered that they were making retarted jokes

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they dont look like joking tho.

by voidy_314; ; Report

That's bc ita part of the joke(for them ig)
It's the same with my classmates only more offensive and less aggressive

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report

well idk, I might try to like...report it to my school principal but i doubt that would do shit

by voidy_314; ; Report

don't bother
I'm not elly saying to just do nothing
But have u ever heard the saying
Can't beat them join them?

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report

Nah, never heard that saying

by voidy_314; ; Report

U can just yk act like an asshole with them until the end of the year since rn it right around the corner

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report

Damn that's a good idea. Thanks man!!

by voidy_314; ; Report

I'm happy to help

by niko #proudcondom🎀; ; Report


vampemrys's profile picture

i get ur pain man other teens r actually horrid :/ hope it gets easier

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It will eventually. But the funny thing is, it all started in first grade, and still continues. I kinda got used to it, lmaoo

by voidy_314; ; Report


BIG MONEY SANCHEZ$'s profile picture

Maybe if 6 wasn’t your favorite number

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Lmao are you gonna hate on me just because i like number 6 ?
Go kill yourself. I don't give a fuck bout your opinion

by voidy_314; ; Report

That’s is very rude and that you shouldn’t be saying such rude things at your age.


yeah whatever

by voidy_314; ; Report