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Category: Books and Stories

Quick Exceprt from my Book Stars in the Way middle shapter

Welcome Home Rocky. 

Hot sweaty summer months, Stationed at Fort Brag, in 1946.

Drake and Rocky sitting around his office, going through some paperwork.

Rocky you got two weeks left and you get to go home.”

Rocky looks at Drake with a very somber look in his eyes. “Sir I have no home and will never have a home.”

Rocky, you will always have a home, where people care about you.”

I don’t want people or anyone to care about me at all. And if any one does, its on them because they are cruising for a heartbreak.”

You do not believe that do you?”

Out of all the things I believe, that is the one thing I believe in the most.” says Rocky as he works on the paperwork.

I believe a lot of things too, and someday I hope that will change.”

You can hope.”

I have faith my boy.”

Some one has too.” Says Rocky.

Two weeks later Rocky with his dress uniform on with a few medals pinned to his chest.

Rocky stands in front of his house as the cab pulls away walking up to his white picket fence.

Rocky looks at his modest two-story house in the suburbs.

Slowly opens the gate. Walks up to his porch, inserts his key in the door, and twists. Rocky walks into his empty house.

He tries to turn on the lights but remembers all the utilities are off. He walks into the kitchen leans over the sink reaches up into the cupboard grabs a huge bottle of whiskey opens it up and begins to start drinking it down.

He looks down at his uniform rips all the medals off his shirt and throws them across the room tearing his uniform in the process. He takes another swig looking out the window.

He slowly turns around and walks into the living room.

Sees Samantha pictures on the walls, He takes another swig, as he looks at the pictures.

He leans on the mantle then looks down puts a few logs in the fireplace, and lights it up.

HE sits down on the couch not saying a word, he just looks at the fire and looks at her picture, and continues dragging as the setting sun makes the shadows through the windows longer and longer.

Rocky looks at the end table next to him and sees a group photo of him and Samantha from when they met testing new aircraft. He looks at it carefully. And then proceeds to throw it in the fire, the glass shatters and the photo floats into the fire as it disappears from history. Rocky gets up off the couch and Grabs another bottle of whisky he had lying around. And starts sweeping his hands across the walls knocking the pictures to the floor as they shatter when they hit the ground. He then kicks some of them across the room as he keeps drinking.

He walks down the hall trying to erase the memories from the house, removing all pictures of a happy couple, and fun memories.

Rocky slowly makes his way upstairs unleashing discussion and suppressed anger as he downs his third bottle of whiskey.

He sees a half-opened box a crib on the floor. HE kicks it across the room overturns the bed.

By this time people are outside staring wondering what is going on.

A police unit pulls up to the house, as Rocky starts shattering windows with his fist. The two police officers come running in. And run up the steps with the guns drawn.

Rocky Sees them but does not stop.

The Police officers look confused but see his uniform, one of the cops holsters his weapons and jumps towards Rocky getting him in a bear hug from behind, Rocky tries to fight him off.

It is going to be okay, It is going to be okay.” Says the officer, slowly rocking him.

Rocky shouts,”Nothing is okay, nothing was ever okay, nothing will ever be okay.”

It is gonna be Okay son. I got you.” Rocky eventually gives up and falls to the ground the cop still holding him won't let go.” The other cops go out front, “It is over now everyone go the hell home, there is nothing to see here.” Some leave and some stay a few minutes longer than they should.

It’s over I said get out of here.” When the coast is clear, Officer Karl who has been holding onto Rocky all this time, “I am going to take you somewhere.” “Jail?”

NO Son, Jail is not what you need, We are taking you somewhere better.”

Rocky looks out the window of the patrol car as they drive away.

About half an hour later, Karl opens up the back door to let Rocky Out.

You can go here, or you can keep hurting yourself. OR you can voluntary walk in here. I Will go in with you if you need support, I got your back.”

Rocky looks up at the sign that says Servicemen s Mental Health Facility.

Okay, I will, and come.” Rocky and Officer Karl walk into the lobby together and Rocky registers himself as some medical people come to replace the bloody towel with bandages.

I need help.”, Rocky says as he signs the book.

That is what we are here for.” the Receptionists smiles at him.

A couple of nurses come out from behind a locked door.

Come with us Mr Rocky Jones, We got you.” Rocky looks back at the Officer.

You will be fine, Just promise me one thing.”

Whats that?” Rocky ask.

Get better.” The officer smiles and Salutes Rocky, as Rocky returns the salute out of habit.

Officer Karl exits through the front door as Rocky enters through the locked door next to the receptionist.

Three weeks later A dark rainy Saturday morning. A dark black car with a brand new logo representing a brand new government agency. A US flag and another flag are attached to the hood waving in the wind and rain.

Along the side, the initials O.S.A are spelled out. The Passenger Door opens, a man in dark military uniform steps into a puddle, pulls his coat over his shoulder, and opens an umbrella as he walks up the walk towards the Mental Health facility.

Secretary Drake Opens the front door into the reception area. He walks up to the Nurse working at the desk.

I am Here to see, Rocky Eric Jones.” Says Drake.

Family or friend?”

Friend and only family hes got.” Says Drake.

Let me see if you are on the allowed list.” Says the Blonde Blue eyed Nurse.

Yes, found your only name on the list.”

 “I didn’t even know he knew I was in town.” “Don’t expect too much conversation from him.”

I am used to it, hes always like that.”

 “I hope not, we barely get yes or no’s out of him.

Really? I would like to see him now and talk to his doctor.

His Doctor won’t be in for a few hours.” She says As she presses a button.

An orderly walks out the locked door and walks up to the nurse, the nurse tells him to take Drake to Mr. Jones room.

Drake slowly walks into Rockys Room, Looks at Rocky laying in bed facing the wall.

Hey there Soldier.”

Rocky says nothing.

It has been a while son.” Says Drake.

Uh Huh.”

Are you feeling okay?” “Uh huh.” Rocky says not even, rolling over.

Rocky, answer me. That's an order. Are you okay.”

I am fine sir.” Rocky says not moving.” Drake walks over to face Rocky. “So you want to get out of here?” “No.”

Fine, I am going to sit in this chair and give yah some gossip what some of your buddies been up too.”

Drake pulls over a chair leans on the arm and starts just chatting up Rocky, about his life, first followed by some of the people they both know.

Drake keeps talking till the Doctor comes in.

I am sorry didn’t realize we had visitors. I am Doctor David Kzonga.”

Hello I am Secretary Drake, I am a good friend of his and his former superior officer.”

Can I talk to you in the hall?” “Sure.” Says Drake as they both walk out into the hall.

The doctor turns to him.”He doesn’t talk .” “He was never very verbose.” Says Drake.

No hes silent almost all the time. HE just refuses to talk, he would rather hold all that stuff inside it is going to kill him. I hate to say this, I think he wants to die.”

You have any idea what we can do to change this?”

I known Rocky a long time and hes had one of the hardest lives I have ever heard, or seen. And hes Survived all of them.” Says Drake.

Well he may not survive this one, people can die being this depressed. When he got here he was trying to Drink himself to death and he almost succeeded.”

Drake Peeks through the door for a moment Rocky still silently staring away from him at the wall.

I think he needs a purpose, But convincing him that he has a purpose, May need some doing. I have a way for him to fulfill that purpose.”

What ever ideas you have, I am willing to try them to get him to open up.I do not mean to scare you but he is one of the worse cases of depression and shell shock I have ever see.” Says the Doctor.

Well he has seen more stuff then one man should every see or experience.”, Drake Says.

Well the sooner we do something the better.”

I got an Idea give me a couple of days.” “I will do my best.” Says the Doctor.

Drake reaches out to shake hands and returns to talking Rocky’s ear off.

A few days later Drakes car Pulls back up in front of the mental hospital, Two doors open on both sides of the car.

The sun is high in the sky now almost 11:00 am.

Drake walks into Rocky's room, Drake looks at the room, It seems that Rocky hasn't moved from that spot very much he is still staring at the wall.

Soldier it is me, I brought you something.”

Don’t care sir.” Says Rocky.

A feminine adult voice speaks from behind Drake speaks, “Hey ‘Daddy’ I missed you.” Says Karena.

Drake looks at Karena,”Is there something I should know?”

Karena smiles, “It is his nickname from when we were younger.”

Rocky slowly turns around, and Drake is surprised as Rocky actually smiles, and sits up in bed.

How You been?” She asks concerned.

I will leave you to chat”, Drake says as he leaves.

Well ‘daddy’ I am grown up now.” “I see that, You grew into a very beautiful young lady.”, Says Rocky.

Rocky, before I keep talking can you do me a favor?”

Sure, I can.”

She runs over to him jumps on his bed hugs him really tight and kisses him on the forehead.

I owed you, she says.” “Did you?”

Tell me about you.”

They talk for hours, she talks about the school she still runs getting married, and her two kids. Rocky seems to be smiling and chatting back, the Doctor and Drake peek in through the crack.

The Doctor says, “You did it.” Drake says,”,Karena did it.” “You needed a Little hope, and I am a little Hope.” Rocky sits up and actually returns a hug, “You are a Big Hope now.”

Join us next week for another exciting adventure of the OSA Space

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