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Category: Music

Three Radikal Rekerds #9: Queens of Quatziferous Quarrys

Just a quick heads up about my update schedule. Saturdays will generally be a bit iffy for me, because the hours I do at work and the early start I have on Sunday - basically although I strive to update this daily, don't expect one on a Saturday too often!
Secondly my internet reception has been rather spotty for the last three days, so please forgive me if it takes me a while to respond to comments, suggestions, queries, etc. I will see them at some point, my arse internet notwithstanding... ;p

Laura Imbruglia, Scared Of You
Genre: Pop/Rock
Standout track: Give Boys Pink Toys
Somehow both sneeringly contemptuous and sublimely compassionate, these are angry jams, but never fails to fill me with hope that things may get better somebody. It somewhat reminds me of a punkier version of Rico's 2004 Violent Silences (if you're elderly enough to recall that fellow!) ;p

Scarlet Diva, VIII
Genre: HNW
Standout track: II
Bit of an oddity in the field of harsh noise wall music (just fair warning, it gets loud!) in that both sides of this tape are introduced by vintage tracks, played in full. Track one being led by Billie Holiday's I'll Be Seeing You, and track two by Penny & The Quarter's You Are Giving Me Some Other Love. Other than that, if you're fan of The Rita or Werewolf Jerusalem you've got no reason to overlook this one.

Dauþuz, In finstrer Teufe
Genre: Black Metal
Standout track: Der Bergjunge
Self-styled "mining black metal" band making a solid brand of morose yet majestic metal, the soundtrack to a landscapes scarred by heavy industry and the unkind judgement of history. For anyone curious, the bands name is to the best of my knowledge pronounced "dur-fuss", and the album title translate into something along the lines of "into dark depths" (I apologize profusely to any German speakers reading my ignorant English outpourings - feel free to correct me in the comments!)  

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