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Category: Music

What about the music?

➤I must say right away - I use a translator and if there are any flaws in the wording of the text, I'm SORRY!!✘
I think it's no secret that music has a strong influence on our lives. I will not delve into "scientific research" and similar things, but just give an example from life. For a long period of time, I had a terrible condition (I don't want to talk in detail, but it will be easier if I say that I have an officially delivered F32). 
And during all this, my playlist DIRECTLY represented my condition.: There were sad songs with melancholic messages, songs with screams and tears, and similar "tearing" songs.Of course, such an atmosphere did not make me better, but rather the opposite..It only pushed me to fall into this abyss. But soon, when I started to get better (and this happened this year only LOL), there were more positive songs in my playlist, with a nicer and even romantic message! And indeed, it went well for my psyche and I began to feel much better. To some extent, could it be because of my impressionability? I honestly don't know XD, after all, we are different people! And I would like to hear how your musical tastes have influenced you..If they had any effect at all!

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steve_sonic's profile picture

this is so fucking true when i studied for finals my playlist was full of happy and energetic queen/david bowie songs that actually pushed me to study
what you listen to actually affects you emotionally :)

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i also did an experiment that i posted on my bulletins where i saw how fast i ran listeing to diff genres and heavy metal won

by steve_sonic; ; Report

By the way, yes! Running with and without music are radically different things in terms of time! I also did a similar experiment..but I didn't think that genres also influence!

by HELL; ; Report