Kilroy was here
항상 자신에 대한거를 나타내고 자신이 한것에 대한 기록이나 흔적을 남기는것을 좋아했어요. 여행에 가서 방명록에 이름을 남긴다거나, 스탬프 릴레이를 한다거나 하는식으로 말이에요. 사실 이전에는 이러지 않았어요. 계기가 되는것은 고등학교 졸업식인거같네요. 정말 외딴지역에서 고등학교를 다니냐고 친구가 없다싶이 3년을 보냈어요. 그래서 졸업사진을 안찍고 그냥 집으로 갔는데 그때만해도 부모님은 별말씀 없으셨으나 시간이 지난후 그때 찍었으면 참 좋았을텐데 하고 아쉬워하더라고요. 아마 그래서 무언가 자신이 지나갔다는것을 좀 남기거나 알리고싶어하는것같아요.
I've always liked to mark things about myself and leave a record or a mark of what I've done, like going on trips and leaving my name in guest books, doing stamp relays, etc. I never really did this before. I think the trigger was my high school graduation. I went to high school in a really remote area for three years and didn't have any friends, so I didn't take a graduation picture and just went home, and my parents didn't say anything about it at the time, but afterwards they said, “I wish I would have taken a picture of that.” I think that's why they want to leave something behind or let people know that they've passed.
2024.05.08 AM 01:13
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